We had a mini-crisis this morning

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

Yesterday was absolutely crazy and by the time the day came to a close, there wasn’t time to give Gavin his IVIG infusion. 

It’s not a huge deal because we were just going to do it this morning.  No harm no foul. 


Unfortunately, we discovered that Gavin’s infusion supplies for the month were off by at least 6 infusion sets, meaning we were completely out. 

I called around to local pharmacies in an effort to locate enough to get us through Monday, when he would need another infusion but no one carried them. 

The supply company itself was closed and there was no after hours answering service. 

I reached out to Gavin’s immunologist because he’s going to potentially miss 2 infusions in a row.  I heard back right away and she said that Gavin should be okay.  While it’s really irritating that the supply company screwed up, Gavin has a buffer for a few days. 

The way we’ve been giving him his infusions, provides him with some overlap for just such an occasion. 

It’s a short buffer but it’s enough to get us until Monday when she’s going to take care of it. 

She did say that we would have to increase the dose of his next 2 infusions in order replace that buffer though.

Gavin was pretty freaked out and so was I. 

I should have known about this sooner and that’s totally my fault.  I need be more vigilant in the future.. 

All that said, this mini-crisis was way more bark than bite and for that,  I’m grateful. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Kim Gebhardt

I’m confused how this happened and how he was off by 6 infusion sets? I understand that they only send so much at one time, but isn’t it checked when you get it?

Rob Gorski

I’ve been teaching Gavin to manage his own supplies. He actually does a really good job. We received this delivery when we weren’t home, so I didn’t check it as usual and sign the paper before they left.

Gavin automatically merged the new supplies with the leftovers and I just never double checked it. As I said, it was my fault.

Kim Gebhardt

Completely unrelated, there is an ad which drops down and takes over the page when I come to your blog now. I have to minimize the page on my laptop to find the X to get rid of it, and I can’t get rid of it at all on my phone. Is there any way for me to turn that ad off?