My primary focus for 2016

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

Let me start by wishing you all a happy New Year.  I hope it was peaceful, safe and fun..  ☺

I thought I would share my plans for 2016 because my focus is going to be changing a little bit and for good reason. 

For the last year or so, the boys and I have been struggling to put the pieces of our lives back together. 

2015 was spent grieving, adjusting and finally accepting that our lives will never be the same.  Some of the people in our lives simply aren’t the same and that’s been difficult for all of us to reconcile with.


We’ve had some ups but we’ve also had many downs.  It seemed like we just couldn’t catch a  break. 

I will say that the boys and I do have guardian angels out there and I will never be able to express how blessed we are for that. 

When I break 2015 down to its most basic element, it was survival.  My expectations weren’t very high and I focused on simply surviving with all 4 of us intact. 

2016 will be the year that we begin to rebuild and God willing, move forward with our lives. 

One of my primary focuses for this new year is going to be on myself.  Selfish? Perhaps..

The thing is that I’ve neglected myself far too long and this year I will be working to improve myself both physically and emotionally. 

I did put forth considerable effort this year but my eating habits were driven by stress and insomnia. I was sometimes overwhelmed by depression and just lost interest in taking care of myself. 

Sleep is something that I’m struggling with because I just can’t seem to get comfortable or shut my brain off. 

2016 is the year that I turn that back around. 

As my financial situation improves, I’m going to invest in a basic set of free weights.  You may not know this but I used to bodybuild and OMG I miss it. 

All I need is a set of dumbbells, a bench and I’m back in the game. 

The reason this is important is because for me to be a better, more capable father to my kids, I need to begin rebuilding myself.  Working out is a natural high for me and it was how I managed my depression, medication free for so many years. 

When I hurt my back in 2001, I gave up working out because of the pain but I’m mostly pain free anymore. 

My body, mind and spirit need this to help me move forward. 

I have weight to lose and depression to manage but overall, I’m in good health.  I will improve upon that this year and finally take back some of what I’ve lost. 

The other focus is going to be on helping the boys to build and develop the coping skill they need to better manage all the changes they’ve been forced to take on. 

Put together, these things will be the foundation with which we will finally begin rebuilding our lives. 

There’s much more that I have planned but these are the two most important things that I’m the most excited about. 

I have high, yet reasonable hopes for 2016 and I hope you’ll all come along for what’s sure to be an amazing ride…..

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Kim Gebhardt

Good luck. I never felt better than when I worked out 4 or 5 times a week. Do you have pics of when you were a bodybuilder?