What do you love the most about your child with #Autism?

I think this will be a really cool exercise and the more people that participate, the better. 

I would like to hear what you love most about your child with Autism…  I’ll go first and share about my kids. 

Gavin is my oldest, at 16 years of age.  He faces unbelievable challenges, every single day of his life.  He deals with pain, fragile health and his body failing on him..

I truly admire his strength, courage and outlook on life. He never gives up,  never complains about anything and is always putting others before himself.

Elliott is just a brilliant, sensitive and beautiful soul.  I love how Elliott is always concerned about others and is always willing to sacrifice his needs or wants in order to ensure someone else’s. 

His love of everything living and his desire to save every animal that needs help, just melts my heart. 


Emmett is an old soul in a small child’s body.  He’s wise beyond his years.

I love how sweet and compassionate Emmett is.  I’m absolutely in awe of his brilliance.  I love hearing his insanely intelligent, random facts each day. 

My kids have their challenges.  That’s simply beyond contestation. 

With that said, my kids are absolutely amazing.  They each have their little quirks that I absolutely adore and aside from taking away their pain, I wouldn’t change them for anything in the world. 

I would love to hear what you love most about your kids with Autism or some other form of special needs….  ☺

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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