I mentioned the other day that my doctor switched one of my anti-depressants because 8 was uncomfortable with how it was impacting my heart rate. Since starting Wellbutrine, my heart rate has increased by 15-20 bpm.
Rather than sitting in the 60’s or 70’s, my heart rate was in the 80’s or 90’s+ bpm. This had me concerned and I wanted off the med.
My doctor switched me to something called Buspirone.
Buspirone is supposed to help with anxiety and work in conjunction with my Paxil to aide me in my war on depression.
I had planned on starting it over the weekend, whole the boys were with their Mom but I decided to start it yesterday. I don’t think I’ve experienced any major side-effects, at least not yet.
What I cam say is that after 3 days of not taking the Wellbutrine, my heart rate is dropping back down to normal… I feel pretty relieved by that and I’m very blessed to have a doctor that takes my input seriously.
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