Today was tough but we were definitely blessed

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

The car is now at the shop and we made it safely, both there and back. The walk was actually nice and the kids enjoyed it. ☺ 

We won’t do that very often because of safety issues but today went well. I will say that the walk was probably a bit too much for Gavin but he made it and was glad he was able to go. 

There were only a few my shoes feel funny stops for Mr. Emmett. We were able to work through them in short order and it didn’t really create a problem. 

As I said, the car is at the dealership and my brother has already ordered the part. The ignition needs replaced and of course, new keys made as well. I understand that it should be arriving tomorrow and that means we may get the car back by the weekend. ☺ 

Some of my readers had asked what exactly was wrong with the car. I figured it would be easier to do a quick video.

I also have a few pictures of Emmett, totally amazed by what the tow truck was able to do. Check’em out. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I’m not sure how far away from things you live, but think of all the extra exercise you can get by walking places instead of driving. Question- how far away is the boys’ school? Would you be able to walk them home from school on nice days? I’m trying to think of ways for you and them to get exercise without it being ‘exercise’. Related to that, I haven’t seen you post anything about your weight loss journey- how is that going?

Rob Gorski

The school is way too far away to walk to. It also goes through a really bad/dangerous part of town. The exercise is always a good thing. Unfortunately, without driving somewhere, outdoor activities are not always safe and there’s no way to know when something is going to happen, but it always does. This is why we are taking advantage of the park systems.

As for the weight-loss journey. I’m plugging away but have been struggling a bit since I was sick. Having said that, I’m back at it and using myfitnessspal username “theautismdad” if anyone wants to follow along. I haven’t weighed myself recently cause I want to focus on getting back into a routine first. I don’t want a setback, to set me back. If I have the routine in order, I’m less likely to get discouraged. 🙂


(Now that I can finally reply ; ) ) I wasn’t familiar with myfitnesspal so I checked it out. Holy food log, Batman… do you ever eat vegetables? You seem to subsist on DiGiorno pizza and Kashi, with some PB&J thrown in for flair.

Rob Gorski

I usually do veggies in smoothies. I also do lots of fruit and things like that. I haven’t been do as well as I used to because stress is not my friend.

My smoothies have lots of good veggies. I just went shopping yesterday and can do those again.

At the end of the day though, you’re right. I need to do better. I’m trying but I need to do..

Rob Gorski

On a side note, is this system better? It’s very simple but effective I think…

kimmy gebhardt

This system works great so far. I didn’t have any problems.

kimmy gebhardt

I’m not sure how far away from things you live, but think of all the extra exercise you can get by walking places instead of driving. Question- how far away is the boys’ school? Would you be able to walk them home from school on nice days? I’m trying to think of ways for you and them to get exercise without it being ‘exercise’. Related to that, I haven’t seen you post anything about your weight loss journey- how is that going?

kimmy gebhardt

(Now that I can finally reply ; ) ) I wasn’t familiar with myfitnesspal so I checked it out. Holy food log, Batman… do you ever eat vegetables? You seem to subsist on DiGiorno pizza and Kashi, with some PB&J thrown in for flair.


This system works great so far. I didn’t have any problems.