Review: Does your child with #Autism benefit from art? (@artezacolors)

I want to thank Arteza for sponsoring this brief review to help raise awareness for Autism. The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own and were not influenced in any way or by anyone. Shortly before the holiday, I received a package from a company called Arteza. They make just about every art supply you can imagine. While I'm not personally into drawing or other forms of art, I recognize the enormous benefit that art can have on a child with Autism or Special Needs. Check out all the cool art supplies that we shipped to me. [foogallery id="68903"] The boys love the sketchbooks and use the colored pencils to create their own unique masterpieces. All the supplies are top notch and I know that because my wife…


I’m back on track

It's been a quiet morning so far. The boys are resting, Lizze is doing research, Gavin's getting ready for his Friday IVIG infusion and I'm working on a bunch of things. One of my main priorities today is making sure I meet my activity goals. I'm currently using the Fitbit Ionic and it's actually quite motivating. I've used the Nokia Steel HR and the Samsung Gear S3 but so far, the Fitbit is topping them both. I'm back on track and losing weight once again. Yay!!! There's nothing on the agenda for today and I'm okay with that. It's been a busy week and I'm on day five of my further reduced Paxil dose. It's actually going better than expected and there's a reason for that but I'll share more…


As much as I want to, I can’t send the kids to school today

You know tomorrow is going to be a good day when you're already emailing the school to call the kids off and it isn't even dinner time yet. The boys are still not feeling well and as much as I'd like to send them to school because they're driving me crazy, they need to stay home. They need their rest and I hope they feel better soon. Both the boys aren't feeling well but they're also hyper as fuck, hence the driving me crazy statement above. Kids on the Autism Spectrum seems to react strangely when they're sick. When Gavin was younger, he would lose his Autism symptoms while running a high fever. That's a documented phenomenon and there's not a known explanation. The boys on the other hand, tend…


It all started 18 years ago, at 10:52 AM

There are days that arrive and bring with them a profound sense of consternation. For me personally, today was one of those rare days in my life. There are many reasons why today has so much meaning but I want to focus on the single, most important one. On January 18, 2000 at 10:52 AM, Gavin was born into this world. While I wasn't present at that point in time, Gavin wouldn't enter my life for another year or so. Gavin has faced so many obstacles in his young life. Some of these obstacles were familial in nature while others were physical and emotional in nature. This young man has been through more in his short life, than most people would in two lifetimes. As a family, we've been through…


Why is this so fucking complicated?

The goddamn pharmacy didn't get Gavin's Clozapine filled in time for the second week in a row. This is very time sensitive and it's in a set schedule. Gavin gets his bloodwork done on Monday or Tuesday and they pull the labs Tuesday afternoon. The script gets filled and delivered by Wednesday afternoon. It's really not that complicated because it's the same thing each week. I made several phone calls at the beginning of the week to ensure everything was in order. I even called late Tuesday afternoon to remind them to call for the labs and make sure the script was either ready for pickup or delivered by Wednesday afternoon. I was assured this wouldn't be a problem. Thankfully, we have an emergency supply to cover for disruptions like…


I’m not sure what we’re dealing with but we survived the day

I survived the day. That's something to celebrate because there were times I didn't think I would. ☺ Emmett seems to be doing better but Elliott went to bed not feeling well. There's all kinds of shit going around the school, so that may be what's going on. At this point in time, no one's puking and that makes me happy. I hate puking and I hate when the kids puke. Puking doesn't gross me out or anything like that. It's easy to aspirate when puking and that's not a good thing. I learned all these things when I was a medic and some are etched into my brain. I'm not sure what the morning holds but if they aren't feeling good, I'm not going to push them. There's too…


A massive meltdown set the tone for the entire day and that sucks

It's been one of those days where I'm not sure how we've made it this far. lol For the first time in awhile, Emmett almost didn't make it to school because of sensory processing issues. Those issues were of course related to his clothes. Truthfully, I don't think he was feeling well. He was complaining of a headache and tummyache but I don't know if that was behind his struggles or just influencing them. By the time we worked through it, we were an hour late to school and they had missed breakfast. We stopped by McDonald's on the way so the boys could get something to eat before dropping them off at school. Emmett was hanging on by a thread already but when McDonald's screwed up his order not…