What my son asked me tonight broke my heart 

There are times when I really hate being me. In order to do what's best for my kids, sometimes I have to cause them pain.  For the very first time in all the many years that Gavin has been receiving IVIG, he made a request of me that absolutely broke my heart. Before Gavin received his IVIG infusion tonight, he said this: Dad, when you put the needles in my belly today, can please make it not hurt...  Do you know how crushing that is to hear? 😢 I would do anything to not have to cause him this pain but it's causing this pain that keeps him alive... 


Gavin’s side effects are getting really bad and it breaks my heart 

I think I need to stop allowing Gavin to come with me to pick up the boys from school. Unfortunately, his bladder issues have gotten to the point where he really can't ride in a car for more than a couple minutes.  We've been sitting here for 20 minutes and he's almost had three accidents. He's had to run into the school three times already.  The school is a five minute drive from our house and he tried the bathroom before we walked out the door but still also had three accidents on the way.  Right now I'm having him walk up and down the little alley by the school to help him manage this for now. It seems to help but not much.  He wants to be here really…


Unfortunately, Gavin isn’t getting better and tonight’s appointment is proof of that

We met with Dr. Pattie tonight and one of the main topics was Gavin. He's officially been back on 800mg per day of Clozapine for 48 hours. While we haven't seen any improvements, we continue to see his side effects becoming more significant.   Gavin had been waiting all day to tell the three of us about his latest missions.  When it was time for him to share, he just unloaded on us.  He talked pretty much nonstop for over 20 minutes.   His adventures were more of the same. He's the indispensable hero that sees all and knows all. He uses his power to smite evil (I've been watching Supernatural, so that's my word not his) and reign over his Universe.  He told us about how he can glue…


I’m really struggling with Gavin today

I confessed last night about how I'm not in the best of places. Today doesn't seem to be any different. Life in general is okay but I'm really struggling with Gavin.  When it comes to conversation skills, Gavin has three topics that he talks about: Food Video Games  His Super Best Friends It's not like it's on occasion, that I hear about this stuff.  It's as though he compulsively tells me about every thought that enters his mind. Those thoughts typically center around the above three topics.  I'm so grateful that he can speak. I'm grateful that he wishes to communicate with me. I'm even more grateful that he can communicate as well as he does. At the same time however, he's driving me crazy.  Yes, I know it's a…


I left without Gavin today and I’m feeling guilty about needing the break from him

This is one of those things that I don't expect everyone to understand but if you've had a child experiencing psychosis or an episode of mania, you're probably all too familiar with what I'm about to share. There's such a mishmash of feelings that one experiences when parenting a child with special needs.  Aside from loving your child unconditionally, one of the most common emotions experienced is very likely to be guilt.  In most cases, this is what I refer to as irrational guilt, meaning a parent feels intense amounts of guilt for things outside of their control but nonetheless impact their child in a potentially negative way. I'm no stranger to this form of guilt and today is one of those days where I'm facing it again. Gavin always…


Today officially begins our last ditch effort to help relieve Gavin’s schizophrenic symptoms

For the final time, Gavin will have his Clozapine dose bumped up today. He will once again be at 800mg a day and this will be the last time it will ever be increased.  So far, we haven't seen any improvements but hopefully, this next increase will make a difference.  Unfortunately, while there hasn't been any improvement, there has been a worsening of the side effects he's already been experiencing. With this next bump, it's a pretty safe bet that things are only going to get worse.   I'm actually really nervous about making this change because there's no going back. Some of these side effects are permanent and will be a part of him for the rest of his life. :( This is such a shitty feeling because making…


Gavin broke his glasses

The other day, Gavin broke the arm off his glasses. It was an accident but he's pretty upset with himself. Frankly, he's had these glasses for well over a year and I'm amazed that they've lasted this long.   I'm pretty sure he can get a free replacement pair but if not, he's do for a check up and that will bring with it, a new script.   One way or another, they will get replaced.  I was able to superglue them back together and the arm still opened and closed. Yesterday, Gavin took his glasses off and was hyper-flexing the arms. This broke them once again.  This was only meant to be a temporary fix. My dad was going to try replacing them while the boys were visiting.  On…


Gavin’s side effects are getting worse

After four days of being on his increased dose of Clozapine, it's pretty clear that his side effects are getting worse. The side effects in question revolve around the bladder control issues, extreme dry mouth and weird mouth movements (that could just be the result of dry mouth). Gavin and I had to get our blood work done this morning after dropping Elliott off at school. Emmett stayed home but that's another post. On the way home from bloodwork, we got an appointment for Emmett with the pediatrician. We got home, picked up Emmett and Lizze before heading right back to where we had our bloodwork done. In the afternoon, Gavin and I picked up Elliott from school before parking the car for the day. My point is, we made…