A lot rides on this morning’s outcome

Gavin's going to have his labs drawn again this morning, in hopes that the previous results were in error. You may remember that I received a call yesterday, delivering the bad news that Gavin's labs came back and the numbers were not good. I'm really nervous about what the results are going to be. The only thing that has changed since yesterday is that the doctor called back and scheduled Gavin for an emergency appointment on Thursday. The plan for this morning is a bit chaotic. I have to get Emmett to school, drop Lizze at the doctors, take Gavin for his bloodwork and pick Lizze back up. Somewhere in there I'll have to stop gas. I'm praying that Lizze doesn't have walking Pneumonia and that Gavin's labs are better.…


I’ve got heartbreaking news

I received a phone call this morning from Dr. Reynolds office. I assumed they were calling to move our appointment again but I was wrong. Apparently, Gavin's labs from yesterday came in and his numbers are dropping again. Right before we left for Florida, he had labs drawn. His Absolute Neutrophil was 3 and his White Cell count was 5 at the time. Unfortunately, his labs from yesterday show a sharp drop. His Absolute Neutrophil is 2 and his White Cell count is 3. This means one of four things: The Clozapine has nothing to do with this. The Clozapine is causing this and he's going to have to completely detoxed from it to know for sure. The Clozapine may had caused permanent damage. This is part of CVID and…


Please God, help Emmett survive the day

I didn't sleep worth a damn last night. I managed to fall asleep shortly before the alarm went off. Lizze sent me back to bed because she's amazing. Next thing I know, I'm being drafted into a massive battle with Emmett, who's refusing to go to school again. This was the worst morning he's had in a very long time. It was his crocs that were the problem today. He simply couldn't get comfortable and longer this went on, the worse it got. Between several calls to the school and the principal getting on the phone to try and talk Emmett through this, we finally got him in the car. Unfortunately, by that time, we were almost an hour late. I'm more exhausted now than I was before, only I…

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Gavin had a massive meltdown and it sucked

Lizze and I have been keeping a close eye on Gavin. We always keep a close eye on Gavin but more so now because of his medication changes. Gavin had another meltdown yesterday evening over something that wasn't a big deal, at least not to us. Gavin is always asking for ways he can help and typically won't stop until we give him something to do. If we don't, he gets this sad expression on his face and will repeatedly return, asking the same question. Some of the things Gavin has been doing are the laundry (putting into the washer and switching to the dryer), dishes, managing the recycling and helping with the pets. All these things are important life skills he needs to know anyway, and the more practice…


Looks like we’re tempting fate once again

Unfortunately, Elliott is still running a fever tonight and that means he won't be in school again. He doesn't appear sick in any way, shape or form, but a fever is a fever. I am contemplating getting him into the pediatrician, just to make sure all is well. Elliott's not going to like that because he's absolutely terrified of all doctors, but at the end of the day, we need to make sure he's okay and that we have a doctors note. I'm not sure that's going to matter but it's not going to hurt to ensure we have as much documentation as possible. I'm hoping that Elliott's fever runs its course and he can return to school. I put the wellbeing of my kids before any ridiculously blanketed, State…


Here’s to hoping Elliott actually sleeps

We cut TV and tablet time off a bit eariler tonight. Elliott hasn't slept in almost two days and we wanted to make sure that the evening was as calm/quiet as possible. For part of the evening, we broke out Candy Land and Uno. It made for a nice, quiet evening. At this point in time, everyone is in bed and I'm praying it stays that way until at least 6:30 AM. Elliott's still running a fever and it doesn't look like he will be going to school in the morning. Frankly, if he sleeps tonight, I'll be happy and feel a sense of relief. ☺


Emmett’s Day: From Meltdowns to More Meltdowns

I mentioned previously that Emmett had a rough morning. His morning was actually going quite well until he realized that Elliott was going to be home sick. In case you're new here, it's important to understand that Emmett does not like change. It would be more accurate to say that Emmett hates change with every fiber of his being. Not doing well with change is a trait that many on the Autism Spectrum share, both children and adults. Emmett was fine this morning until he found out that he would be going to school by himself, meaning that Elliott wouldn't be in the school building because he was sick. This is a change to Emmett's routine and it totally threw him off. He was so freaked out over this that…