Here’s an important, decent size Gavin update

I've made some pretty significant progress in regards to figuring out all the Gavin related things I set out to find the answer to this afternoon. There are still a few things I'm waiting on return calls for. I'll start with what I learned today. I was able to speak with the Cleveland Clinic about Gavin's EEG from last week. The reason we hadn't heard back is because his doctor is out of town until later in the month. They were able to have another neurologist look at the results and I'm pleased to say that Gavin didn't have any seizures during the 23 minute test. I'm not sure how much better I feel because it was only 23 minutes but at least it went well. While he didn't have…


Creative Ways To Motivate Your Kids To Do Chores

This is a collaborative post Image Source Are you struggling to get your kids to do chores? A few creative form of motivation could be in order. Here are just a few ways to persuade your kids to get involved in housework. Have a spinning chore chart A spinning chore chart could be a fun way of allocating chores. This leaves the distribution of chores up to random chance making it a fair way of sharing chores amongst siblings that may fight over tasks. A spinning chore chartcan be easily built with cardboard and a split pin. Use rewards Rewards can help to spur on your kids to complete chores. For young kids this could be something as simple as stickers. You can get custom printable stickersonline which could make…


I have to be a phone ninja this afternoon

The game plan for the rest of the day is phone calls. I need to get the results of Gavin's EEG and find out why his new IVIG Infusion Pump didn't show up last week. Unfortunately, after getting home from the appointments this morning, I crashed for a couple hours. I was up with Elliott until well after 3 AM. Elliott however, never fell asleep himself but took a nap this morning. I'm off to a later start now but it shouldn't prevent me from collecting the information I need in regards to Gavin's Immunodeficiency and Epilepsy concerns. I just need to be a phone ninja and get it all done.


The roads were horrible but we made it

Well it's quite obvious why school was canceled today. The roads are complete shit and we had a very difficult time simply breaking through the ice to get inside the car. We did safely make it to his appointment and everything went well. The only thing worth mentioning is that we go back in 30 days to do the paperwork required to maintain guardianship over Gavin after his 18th this month. I'll talk more about that later. Now we're off to get his bloodwork done.


Shit….. It’s another snowday

Once again, we're having to adapt to changes that are outside of our control. This time, it's in regards to a surprise snowday. The boys don't have school know because of all the snow amd ice that popped up over night. Our plans for accomplishing everything that needs accomplished this morning have now changed as a result. The roads are really shitty right now and taking everyone out with us is a needless risk. Lizze will stay home with the boys and I'll be taking Gavin to his appointment on my own. We're going to leave quite early to ensure there's enough time to safely arrive. Rather than stressing out over things not working out as planned, I'm just going to roll with the punches on this one cause that's…


Poor Elliott couldn’t sleep last night

Elliott had the hardest time falling asleep last night. I was up with him until well after 3 AM. He wasn't upset about anything or stressed out about anything either. He simply couldn't sleep. He seems to go through these periods of time where he really struggles to sleep. This is one of the reasons we're keeping an eye on him for signs of being Bipolar. Major sleep disruptions can be a sign of mania and Gavin definitely experienced that before he was medicated for Bipolar Disorder. Hopefully, the rest of the day will go smoothly for him. I hate sending him to school with such little amounts of sleep but he seems fine and we can't miss school for this. Praying that bedtime will go better for him tonight…


I’ve never been a tiny dog person but this is too cute

I've never been a small dog person. I've definitely never been a tiny dog person. Since we adopted Ruby a week or so ago, she fits unbelievably well into our existing family. She's super smart, completely housebroken and loves playing with Maggie or the ferrets. One of the things I didn't expect to happen was for her to bond so closely with me. She literally has to be in physical contact with me all the time. If I get up and move, she follows me wherever I go. I can't even go to the bathroom without her wanting to follow me. I have to draw the line somewhere and it's right outside the bathroom door. It's weird how she hasn't even known us that long and yet she's adjusted so…


#Depression Confessions: 3 weeks into withdrawaling from #Paxil

Today marks the first day of the last week of the first four week phase of withdrawaling from Paxil. Did you get all that? lol There are four phases of withdrawaling from Paxil. The first two are each four weeks long. The last two are two weeks each. I'm officially beginning the final week of phase one. During this phase, I've been rotating between 40 mg/day and 20 mg/day. The first week was pretty horrible and I was really sick. By the end of the first week I was beginning to feel better but unfortunately, insomnia came next and that lasted about a week as well. The third week has actually been pleasant and I expect this week to be the same. After this week, my dose will officially be…