We barely made it through our little sensory crisis this morning but we did :) 

Lizze managed to get Emmett to at least wear his crocks to school today. That was no easy task because she worked through screaming and kicking, never giving up on him or losing her patience.  Eventually, she was able to work him through this little sensory crisis and we made our way to school.   We did pack his socks in his backpack just in case he decided he needed them.   At this point, it's whatever works.. ☺ 


It’s a major sensory morning in this #Autism house

I've put myself in time out for a few minutes. I'm going on four hours of sleep and Emmett is a sensory nightmare this morning.  He's really struggling and at this point, we can't help him to wear his socks.   The last resort is sending him barefoot in his crocks but that's what we had to do on Friday and we'll do it again today.   Right now I'm having Emmett stand in a big box of rice, hoping to wake his feet up, as his occupational therapist would say.  I'm not sure it's going to help much but it's something to occupy him while I take a breather.   It's important to recognize my limits and make sure I don't lose my cool. Putting myself in time out,…


I went on a real date with my wife for the first time in forever

Do you remember a week or so ago, I mentioned something about Lizze and I going to P.F. CHANG'S? It didn't work out for us then but our raincheck came in yesterday afternoon.  My parents gave Lizze and I gift cards to P.F. CHANG'S for our birthdays but we've had to sit on them for a little while.  Lizze's parents spent the afternoon with the boys yesterday. As a result, we were able to head out of town and go to lunch at the most amazing Chinese restaurant ever.   Lizze and I had never been there before but we love Chinese food, so this was the perfect gift.   Even more amazing than the food is the fact that this is the first real date Lizze and I have…


We could use some thoughts, prayers or positive energies for Gavin today

Today's a really big day for us. There's a couple of reasons but only one that really matters. You see, today we finally get Gavin into the psychiatrist and figure out exactly what needs to be done to help him.   Gavin's been in a psychotic break for over three months now and I'm not sure what we can do about it.   What I know for sure is that there are zero good solutions for this and some are very dangerous. The whole reason for today's appointment is to wade through the very limited options and find the best of all the bad ideas.  Aside from getting the boys to and from school tomorrow, this appointment is the only thing on the agenda because we have no idea where…


A few important updates 

I want to bring your attention to a couple of different things.  I've been hearing from people that the commenting system is deleting comments.  Aside from comments being removed if a user is banned, what's happening is someone is reporting comments as spam.   The comments that are being reported are good comments. Apparently there are just people that are board and have nothing better to do than click on the spam button. If you notice a comment missing, please let me know and I'll fix it.   Secondly, I've reworked the way Disqus works and it should be a little smoother going forward.   Finally, as you are the reader, I would like to know what commenting system you prefer. If my readers are unhappy with my commenting system,…

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I’m feeling much better

As the day has progressed, I'm feeling better and better. I wasn't feeling sick or anything before, I was just feeling rundown. Now I'm feeling pretty good actually and that makes me happy. ☺  The boys have settled down and while Gavin is incessantly asking me if I'd like a piece of his gum, he's doing pretty well also.   I'm letting Lizze sleep because the weather has been really hard on her this week. The boys and I are going just fine and I'm enjoying a relatively quiet house.  ☺ 

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I can’t think of a title for this general update

Gavin's currently sleeping off his morning medications. Elliott and Emmett are extremely hyper and excitable today for some reason. Their tougher to manage this morning and I'm not sure why.  Lizze had a rough night and is taking a nap currently, hoping to feel better in a little while.   As for myself, I'm tired. That's nothing new. Last night I really struggled to sleep because my left leg was restless. It was driving me crazy and I ended up on the couch....   That pretty much sums up my day thus far.   It's gorgeous outside right now and I'm thinking it might be a good day to hunt Pokémon......... 


Things started to look very bad for Gavin until this happened 

I have to give props to Gavin today and here's why.   Lizze was powering through our many laundry baskets of clothes that needed to be folded, sorted and put away this afternoon. Each of the boys took their clothes and put them away.   Gavin apparently ran out of room in his main dresser and didn't know what to. I told him to empty out his whites drawer and move them to one of the drawers in the empty dresser that resides in his closet.   He didn't seem to like that idea because he was afraid he would forget that his socks and stuff would be in the dresser inside his closet and he wouldn't be able to find clean clothes.   Frankly, I don't know if that…