I’m worried about making this week work

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

Logistically, this is going to be a challenging week of various appointments. 

Gavin will be at Dr. Reynolds in the morning but I’m hoping to squeeze a walk in first.  This will be a medication followup and I’m not real sure what’s going to happen because I’m not convinced his meds are working. 


This could prove to be an all morning appointment because we’re never seen on time and generally have to wait at least an hour. 

Tuesday, Emmett has OT and PT, followed by Dr. Pattie’s before dinner.  I have to try and make arrangements for Elliott while Emmett in therapy.  I hate pulling him from school early. 
I know somethings going in Wednesday and Thursday but my calendar isn’t syncing up correctly at the moment. 

Friday is the biggest and most nerve wrecking of them all. 

Elliott will be undergoing an EEG to help us figure out if he’s actually having seizures. After the EEG, both myself and Elliott will be meeting with the doctor to discuss what’s going on. 

I’m going to have to make arrangements for both Elliott and Gavin because this is taking place at Akron Children’s Hospital.  We will likely be gone the bulk of the day. 

Elliott’s not really excited about going and by not really excited, I of course mean that his anxiety is through the roof and he does not want to go. 

I’m going to be figuring out Christmas stuff this week as well as tackle a pretty major project for work.

Even without all the appointments, I’d likely still be overwhelmed by life this week. I’ve got more than a few ends that I have to make meet and I’ve no clue how to do that. 

I’m hoping to make it through relatively unscathed, sane and with all my kids and myself happy and healthy…

…….. Oh shit.. I just remembered I have to squeeze in 2 IVIG Infusions as well.  Those are pretty easy but they can prove very, very time consuming. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


It will work out.

Rob Gorski

It always somehow does… ☺


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


It will work out.

Rob Gorski

It always somehow does… ☺


Damn, and I think one kid is hard and a full time job!! You will make it!! 🙂

Rob Gorski

Thanks.. Michele.. It’s all relative…


It will work out.

Rob Gorski

It always somehow does… ☺