The transition from the boys visit with their Mom was hellish

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  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

The boys came home around dinner time tonight.  Everyone was in a good mood for a short time and then things went downhill rapidly. 

When I say rapidly, I mean rapidly.. 

We had a few meltdowns.  Elliott and Emmett were sorta pushing each other’s buttons and it just escalated from there. 

Gavin did awesome as always and for that I’m grateful. 

Elliott’s had a really nasty cough and has had to use his emergency inhaler already.  Both Elliott and Emmett couldn’t sleep tonight either. 

Emmett never fell asleep but Elliott woke up with the cough and then couldn’t go back to sleep. 

Both boys eventually made their way downstairs, after making a significant effort to fall asleep in their own beds. Now we’re camping out in the living room. 

We haven’t done this in awhile, so I don’t mind. 

Elliott is more comfortable now and has finally fallen back asleep.  Emmett is now asleep on his giant beanbag chair as well. 

I’ll end up manning the last couch and with any luck, everyone will be feeling better in the morning. 

The house is finally quiet and there’s no more fighting. 

I know Elliott had a really rough visit this time but as far as I know, Emmett and Gavin did fine. 


Emmett did forget his tablet there but Mom and Grandma brought it back..  I’m super appreciative for that because Emmett wouldn’t have coped well with that. 

I’m finally able to get this post written and published, as things have finally slowed down. 
Most of my evening was spent putting out fires, so to speak amd frankly, that’s exhausting.

Transitions are usually pretty difficult for the boys.  It doesn’t really matter if they had a good time or not.  It doesn’t always matter where they’re transitioning from either. 

Change is not always easy and I honestly expect that things are going to be like this.

It’s not necessarily anything that anyone is doing wrong, it’s just sorta the nature of the beast. 

Divorce and visitation isn’t easy to begin with but factor in the emotional challenges associated with Autism and you have a recipe for difficult transitions. 

Now that everyone is asleep, I can finally relax and try to go to sleep myself. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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