Problems with Occupational Therapy 

Gavin and I are here at Akron Children's Hospital for his Speech Therapy. While we were here, I had to check on what the deal was with Emmett's Occupational Therapy, since it was stopped during his Functional Independence Group.  The group finished up a week ago and Emmett was supposed to pick right back up but unfortunately, that's not going to happen.   His therapist had a baby (Congratulations again if you're reading this ☺️) and we were supposed to pick up with another therapist until she came back.  Something happened, Emmett has fallen off the schedule and no one knows why.  I've confirmed that Emmett will be without therapy until at least the second week in September.   This is really frustrating because Emmett is dying to return to…


The boys are having a really hard time sleeping tonight

Lizze and I were getting ready to go to bed around midnight, when Elliott walks down the stairs in a daze.  He's hungry and wants something to eat.  Before we have a chance to even answer him, Emmett comes dancing down the steps with a level of energy that should be straight up illegal at this time of day.  Elliott had been sleeping and woke up.  Emmett on the other hand, never fell asleep.   I figured the best chance of anyone getting sleep was to camp out in the living room.   It took a bit to get them to fall asleep but Lizze rubbed their backs and they were relaxed enough to lay down.  I played music and they both eventually feel asleep but it's already 2:30am...  Now…


Congratulations Mr. Emmett, I’m so proud of you

I want to take a minute and call attention to Mr. Emmett's accomplishments today.  He graduated from his 6 week Functional Independence Group today. He had such a great time and made some awesome new friends. There were some really important things he learned during the last 6 weeks, most of which he refuses to apply to his life but I know he knows them.  Lol That being said, Lizze and I are so proud of him and can't wait to see more of what he's capable of doing .  More importantly, he's proud of himself.  ☺


It’s a really big day for Emmett

As the title states, it's a really big day for Emmett. Today is the last day of his Functional Independence Group at Akron Children's Hospital. I'm really hoping that they decide to either extend this or offer a continuation down the road. Emmett loves this group and I know he's going to be sad that it's over. This should however, signal his return to Occupational Therapy every other week. He's also supposed to be reevaluated for Physical Therapy before school starts as well.  If you recall, he had met all his goals for Physical Therapy and as a result, he was taken off the schedule for the summer.  The idea behind this was to get a feel for what happens to the progress he's made, after no longer get being…


I just realized something today and it scared the shit out of me

With school starting back up in 23 days, I just realized that we are going to have a pretty big problem. Since June 8th of this year, Emmett hasn't worn socks and has absolutely no tolerance for them. Every pair of socks I've bought for him, no longer feel okay and now I can't find anything that he'll wear. I have no idea what we're going to do because he has to wear socks while in school. All he wears now are flip flops and he's begging to be home schooled so he won't have to wear socks. Socks won't be the only issue because he hasn't worn shoes in just as long either. Unfortunately, we have even less time than normal because school starts almost three weeks sooner this…


You know it’s bad when your child’s meltdown sets off the alarm

This morning has been filled with screaming.  In fact, it's been so bad that it's actually setting off the glass break sensors in the house, triggering an alarm.. Emmett's spent the morning, melting down over any and every conceivable thing.  As I suggested in last night's post, there's going to be quite a bit of fallout from yesterday's trip to the dentist. At the moment, I'm snuggling on the couch with Mr. Emmett, under a really heavy weighted blanket. I'm hoping that this will help Emmett to experience some sensory input that will provide him with enough comfort to reduce the stress and anxiety, that's built up from yesterday.  His meltdowns have been so loud and so high pitched that he's set of the glass break sensors throughout the house.…


You won’t believe what we went through just trying to get Emmett to the dentist

I can't even begin to explain how horribly awry today has gone. I should probably just start at the beginning. Lizze got off to class without any problems and let me sleep in until it was time for her to leave. The boys and I spent the morning getting some things done. I spent a large part of my time just trying to calm Emmett, who's picked today to freak out about the dentist.  He normally does well but on a day that Lizze isn't able to be there, he's pretty hardcore freaking out. Before we left, Elliott and Gavin had a snack because we were going to eat lunch late. Elliott had some granola samples I had received and Gavin had crackers or something, I can't remember. We checked…