Why I’m so proud of my wife

Lizze finished her first round of classes this week and immediately began the second round. Rather than going to class four days a week, she's down to two days a week. This is nice for a couple of reasons. First of all, it's easier on her. These classes are very intensive and both physically and emotionally depleting. They serve a very real purpose but it called intensive outpatient therapy for a reason. The second reason it's nice that she's down to twice a week is that we get to have her home more often. I know these classes are really important for her overall emotional health, but we miss her when she's gone. She typically comes home exhausted and in need of a break, which sorta takes her away from us again.…


I have bad news and good news – Which do you want first? 

The boys are going to the dentist today. Originally, Lizze had class, and my Mom was going with me, but that's changed. Due to a temporary, but frustrating insurance issue, Lizze will not be in class today.  Part of me is upset because I know how important it is for her to be there, but the other part of me is all like, thank God because both boys are having work done at the same time, on opposite ends of the office, and I'm only one person.  My Mom was going to go, but since Lizze will be home, she doesn't have to anymore.  I don't know how much experience any of you have with Autistic kids and the dentist, but it's not always a good combination to say the…


What life is like 365 days after my wife moved back home

June 5th, 2017 was a milestone day for our family. It has been 365 days since Lizze moved back home, with me and our boys. This move ended our almost two year separation.  You can read earlier posts about what life was like prior to one year ago. I'll try and give some brief background for all those new to our story, before updating on our current status.  Our separation basically resulted from a combination of caregiver burnout, along with both mental, and physical illness. Lizze went through a very difficult period, and we later discovered this was in large part due to caregiver burnout.  Essentially, she ran herself into the ground, caring for our family. Caregiver burnout is very real, and results from someone putting so much into caring…


Please keep Lizze in your thoughts and prayers 

The boys are gone tonight, and Lizze had I have enjoyed a really quiet evening. I had a few errands to run, before shutting down for the day. Lizze and I are both exhausted from a long day. She ended up falling asleep on the couch during the first quarter of the Cavs game.  I have zero plans of getting up before lunch time, of course that depends on when the boys get home. 😁  I'd like to get a nice walk in today if possible. Lizze isn't feeling well, but hopefully she'll feel better in the morning, and will be able to join me.  Speaking of Lizze, I would really appreciate it if you kept Lizze in your thoughts and prayers. She's absolutely miserable, and what she has coming down…


There’s a lot to process after her appointment today

We just got home from our trip to the Cleveland Clinic. The kids are picked up and ready to go to Lizze's parents for the night. Lizze and I are both exhausted, and looking forward to a nap when the boys leave.  As far as Lizze's appointment goes, there are some major changes she has to make to her life. Most of those changes are dietary, but she's also permanently placed on a low dose antibiotic.  She's got a great deal to process right now and will probably share all the details on her blog, when she's ready. If not, I'll be sure to keep you updated as best I can. 


Waiting for answers at the @clevelandclinic 

Lizze and I made it to Cleveland, with a bit of time to spare. We did that despite some asshole almost crashing into us as he tried to pass us on the single lane in ramp.  Aside from that, traffic wasn't too bad, and we had a nice conversation.  I'm waiting for Lizze to get out of her appointment. We're hoping that we can manage her nausea, at the very least. There's no cure for gastroparesis, and according to the gastric empty study she had done, roughly fifty percent of what she eats, remains in her stomach, long after her stomach should have emptied.  It's classified as severe.  There's no life threatening anything involved here, but quality of life is severely impacted. 


The important reason we are heading to the @clevelandclinic today

The reason we are going to the Cleveland Clinic today, is so that Lizze can see her gastroenterologist. This is a belated follow-up appointment, in regards to being diagnosed with gastroparesis.  Gastroparesis is basically a slow stomach. That means food stays in her stomach for much longer than it should, and causes a number of problems.  This is why Lizze is nauseous all the time.  We're hoping to find some treatments that help her to get some relief. Unfortunately, there's no cure for this and treatment is limited to diet changes, but there are some medication options.  Lizze will probably put more information on her blog, and you can find that here.  


A MAJOR update about my wife

This is a really important update, not only because it deals with my wife Lizze, but also because of how she's choosing to deal with a major struggle. Lizze doesn't have an easy life. She's living in chronic pain, thanks to Fibromyalgia, and chronic, untreatable migraines. She's been dealing with menopause, and hormone replacement therapy as a result of an emergency hysterectomy a couple years after Emmett was born. A couple of years ago, she was diagnosed with Bipolar II, with Borderline tendencies. This has been very challenging to manage because much like Gavin, her biology tends to make her process meds differently. This makes finding the right combination of medications, very difficult. She also struggles with severe social anxiety that makes it difficult for her to leave the house…