It’s gonna be a huge day for Elliott

On Monday, July 17th, Elliott will finally be getting back into occupational therapy. He's been on the wait list for over a year and was originally scheduled at the beginning of the month but the OT needed to reschedule. I'm not entirely sure who's more excited, me or Elliott. lol He really needs this. I hope it helps him to gain strength, build coordination, and confidence. When Elliott has first evaluated a few years ago, they said he had the worst muscle tone they'd ever seen. I can't say I disagree because his joints are extremely loose. Loose joints aren't something that can be fixed. The only thing you can do is strengthen the surrounding muscles, so they can aid in compensation. I think I may take Elliott by myself,…


I squeezed in this much sleep lately night

I was able to squeeze in four hours and six minutes of sleep last night. That's almost a record for me, so that's awesome. I'm feeling pretty good today, and more motivated than usual to accomplish some things around the house. Lizze is on her way home, but unfortunately, isn't feeling well. Hopefully the four or five hour drive will be kind to her. Alexa claims it's going to be a nice day, and thus far, she's been spot on. It should be a great day to walk and that will make three days in a row. I want to get back into the routine of walking the track everyday. Our treadmill is not in good shape, so I'd much rather walk the track. Anyway, I hope your day is…


Heartbreaking signs that he’s getting worse

Gavin's showing more and more signs of regression. As someone who sees him all day every day, it's harder to pick up on things like this because it's generally a gradual process. When someone sees him for the first time in awhile, it's much easier for them to pick up on the changes. I've been paying closer attention lately because I've been worried that he was experiencing more regression, but wasn't sure. It pains me to say this, but he appears to be regressing once again. Regression is a huge part of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and what sets it apart from other, more common forms of Autism. Gavin's losing skills he'd previously mostly mastered. His executive function is very much declining. He's become more unorganized and has a shrinking vocabulary.…


Our guy time has come to an end

The boys and I had a great guys day yesterday. Lizze will be home in a few his from her trip with her Mom, and our guy time will come to an end for now. Last night we walked the track again. Emmett only had to stop a few times to fix his crocs and that's awesome, especially considering we walked a mile and a half. I'm super proud. ☺ Elliott and Gavin did great as well. We finished in just about thirty-four minutes, and that's respectable. After the exercise, we wanted to do something special for our final guys night. We decided to watch the Kong: Skull Island via Google Play. Elliott wasn't in the mood to watch a movie so he hung out in his room, after eating…


I simply cannot leave my kids

This was the first time that Lizze has been away since our separation. That ended over a year ago, and she's been here ever since. I'm super excited that she's getting to spend time with her Mom this weekend, because that's really important. To be honest, I'm a bit envious that she gets away. She misses us all but recognizes the need for a break. Good on her for that because that's much easier said than done. It's also vital for maintaining sanity, patience, and even physical/emotional health. I'm wired a bit different. When the kids go to their grandparents, I can mostly enjoy the time off. The problem I have is being away from the kids myself. I'm not able to simply leave the house and spend more than…


Our first night on our own

The boys and I had a pretty good evening. Lizze left after dinner and won't be back until sometime Sunday. We went for a forty minute walk at the park, before undoing our efforts with a trip to Walgreens to pick up some movie snacks. We ended up renting the new Surfs movie on Dish. The boys loved it and afterward, they went to bed without too much of a problem. I don't think we have any grand plans for today, but I'd like to make another trip to the park, assuming the weather holds out. Perhaps we'll do some work around the house. Like I said, no grand plans.


It’s a guys weekend cause Mommy will be gone

The boys and I will be on our own this weekend. We haven't had a guys night for well over a year now. Lizze will be going out of town and out of state with her Mom. While she's gone, the boys want to have a special movies night tonight. I'm not sure what they want to watch yet but I know they want to have a special dinner as well. It'll be nice for Lizze to spend some time with her Mom and for the boys and I to get some guy time. I'm looking forward to this weekend.