This is an enormous week for myself and the boys

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  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

This is a really big week for a couple of reasons. 

If you’ve been reading recently at least, you might recall that Gavin finally gets back to speech therapy this Tuesday. 

I can’t really overstate the importance of this because he really, really needs help in this area. 


He doesn’t really seem to care one way or the other but I’m excited enough for the both of us.  ☺

Aside from the usual insanity during the average week,  there is one thing, well three things that I’m also pretty excited about. 

Monday I will be recording our second episode of Life with Autism. Joel Manzer and I record episodes every Monday and they will air on Friday of the same week. 

Secondly, I was asked to do something in regards to sensory processing disorder education and I’ll find out more about that today as well.  

Thirdly, I will be a guest speaker for a couple hours on Friday.  I’m going to be helping with a fundraiser for single Autism Mom who’s trying to raise money to cover her sons medication that isn’t covered by insurance.  He has mitochondrial disease and this is a really good cause. 

I’ll have more details to share as the week moves forward, so you can tune in and watch me fumble on camera…. lol

Aside for that, I have conferences on Thursday for Emmett and I think his Mom will be joining me.  This is a good thing but I’m uneasy about it as well and don’t know how it’s gonna go.  It’s the first time she’s been to one of these since the split. 

There are five or so additional appointments I have to be at this week as well and Tuesday in particular, is going to be whatever the extreme  opposite of fun is….

Still, I’m anxious to take this week on because there are so many positive things that will come from the efforts put into it..  ☺

Oh….  I forgot to mention that it’s a short school week and a four day weekend….  O_o

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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