It’s so important that we not give up

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

Today was one of those roller-coaster days where the highs were high and the lows were low.. I’m both physically and emotionally exhausted.  I know that there are so many of you out there who can relate. 

I’ve experienced times in the past 24 hours where all I wanted to do was throw my hands up,  say fuck it and just walk away………but I didn’t..

It’s so hard to articulate the enormity of the challenges facing special needs families.  I totally get it because I live it 24/7/365.  Often times we find ourselves in a place where support is limited or all together nonexistent and that’s a really sad reality. 

Here’s the thing…  You can’t give up, even when it’s all you can think about doing.


Speaking from personal experience and as someone who’s faced those same feelings, throughout his tenure as a special needs parent, I know it’s not easy.  If there’s anyone in the world who can truly relate, it’s me and I promise you, I know just how not easy it is to keep moving forward at times. 

Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed, frustrated, demoralized and just plain exhausted, especially since I began raising my kids alone.  There are so many of you out there in similar circumstance. I hear from you guys all the time about the personal struggles you face on a daily basis and that’s why I know you get it.

No matter how bad things get or how impossible it may seem for you to be able to climb out of the hole you’ve found yourself in, you can’t give up.. You can’t give up because not only do your kids need you but you just never know what’s around the bend. 

While I also know from personal experience, that the light at the end of the tunnel can indeed sometimes be a train, it certainly isn’t always the case.

When things get really bad for me, I have to remind myself why I can’t give up.  This usually involves me checking on my kids while they’re sleeping.  I kiss them on the forehead, tell them I love them and rediscover what it is I’m fighting for or rather who it is I’m fighting for. 

People ask me all the time how I keep going and the truth is, it’s not easy.  It’s often times a daily struggle but what gives me the strength to keep getting back up after I fall, are the three little boys that I tucked in and kissed goodnight before sitting down to write this.

When people ask me how I keep going, I guess I should just say that while the need to quit can be completely overwhelming at times, the only thing stronger than that is the love I have for my kids. 

Where do you find your strength to get back up?

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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