Racism in America: This should NEVER be acceptable (NSFW) 

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I came across this tonight and was really caught off guard. It shows that racism and hate are alive and well in today’s America. There are some unpleasant and offensive words used in this video, but I sat down with my family and had them watch this with me.

This past election seems to have made people with these ignorant views feel emboldened. They feel way too comfortable climbing out from underneath their rock, and spewing hate. 
While this video is very ugly, I wanted my kids to experience this, and hear their thoughts. They were saddened by this woman’s hateful speech and didn’t understand why anyone would act this way.

Lizze and I spoke with them about how this isn’t okay, no matter who says it is.

No one has the right to treat people the way this woman is treating the young lady in this video.

Assuming you are among the people in this country who believes these views are disgusting and hateful, please consider sharing this with your kids. Perhaps discuss what to do if they ever witness something like this.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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kimmy gebhardt

I have no doubt this woman was an awful excuse for humanity even before Trump was elected, and the only thought she will give to the ‘evil she did that day’ will be to go home to her like-minded family and friends and tell them of the terrible Latina and black women who got her kicked out of Wal*Mart. As long as there are parents who are willing to teach hate and bigotry to their children, it’s not going to go anywhere. It’s a sad but true fact.


The bullying literature says that it’s peers and bystanders who can make a difference. Sadly you are probably right that she will dismiss the input of the two women who called her out. But that the Walmart manager also told her she was inappropriate — that might make her think. I don’t know. One can only hope.


That is horrifying. I am SO glad that that accented-voice woman stood up for herself and a bystander stuck up for her (at no small personal cost, getting called a racial slur for her trouble) and that the manager stood by her as well. I’m impressed with WalMart today.

It’s time for white Americans to give up our false sense of entitlement. We have to interact with others based on our shared humanity, not on some ugly sense we are better than anyone else.

I totally agree about the impact of Trump’s election. It has let some people think they can say and act however they want. They need to be called out, just as this racist woman was.

I hope that she thinks about that interaction for a loooong time and finds a way to make up for the evil that she did that day.


Racism in this country has nothing to do with Trump being elected. It has always been there and always will be there.

Do none of you remember all of the racism that came out when Obama was elected?

Hate Trump all you want, but hate him for real reasons and not made up ones

Trump didn’t create racists or embolden them


“he does very little to condemn the actions of people doing these things in his name. If he doesn’t agree with this stuff, he needs to take a hardline against it.”

Do you say the same about Muslims and the terrorists things happening now?

No one is responsible for the actions of other people


We can totally hold our leaders responsible for the attitudes that they inculcate in their followers. Remember Trump making fun of the disabled reporter up on stage? Remember “Get her out of here”? Remember “In the old days, they had a way of dealing with stuff like that”? He routinely denigrates people because of their appearances. He has invited admitted white supremacists to his events. He is routinely vulgar and divisive about people different from himself.

Seriously, you have to ask yourself what we CAN hold our leaders accountable for if not stuff like this. He should be a model of the qualities we want to see in our children.

kimmy gebhardt

I have no doubt this woman was an awful excuse for humanity even before Trump was elected, and the only thought she will give to the ‘evil she did that day’ will be to go home to her like-minded family and friends and tell them of the terrible Latina and black women who got her kicked out of Wal*Mart. As long as there are parents who are willing to teach hate and bigotry to their children, it’s not going to go anywhere. It’s a sad but true fact.

Rob Gorski

You’re absolutely right Kim. Hate is passed down from generation to generation, and until we break the cycle, it’s not going away.


The bullying literature says that it’s peers and bystanders who can make a difference. Sadly you are probably right that she will dismiss the input of the two women who called her out. But that the Walmart manager also told her she was inappropriate — that might make her think. I don’t know. One can only hope.

Rob Gorski

I’ve got to give that manager props because that couldn’t have been easy to deal with…


Racism in this country has nothing to do with Trump being elected. It has always been there and always will be there.

Do none of you remember all of the racism that came out when Obama was elected?

Hate Trump all you want, but hate him for real reasons and not made up ones

Trump didn’t create racists or embolden them

Rob Gorski

Of course he didn’t create racism. I totally agree. It’s statistically proven that hate crimes have increased dramatically since his candidancy. When you have a person endorsed by the KKK or the alt-right, it’s not a good thing.

There are those inside the administration known to be racist…

He didn’t cause it but his presence in the oval office and made the ignorance flow more freely and openly than before.

Rob Gorski

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Trump, and while he didn’t create this ignorant hate, he does very little to condemn the actions of people doing these things in his name. If he doesn’t agree with this stuff, he needs to take a hardline against it.


“he does very little to condemn the actions of people doing these things in his name. If he doesn’t agree with this stuff, he needs to take a hardline against it.”

Do you say the same about Muslims and the terrorists things happening now?

No one is responsible for the actions of other people

Rob Gorski


Rob Gorski

During the campaigns, he promoted violence and hate. He’s not responsible for other people’s actions but he’s certainly complicit. As president, he should be a positive example, and he’s anything but. I know other presidents had issues, but there’s never been anything like Trump

Rob Gorski

I also wanted to add that some because we don’t agree, doesn’t mean we can’t get along and respect each others opinions. ☺


We can totally hold our leaders responsible for the attitudes that they inculcate in their followers. Remember Trump making fun of the disabled reporter up on stage? Remember “Get her out of here”? Remember “In the old days, they had a way of dealing with stuff like that”? He routinely denigrates people because of their appearances. He has invited admitted white supremacists to his events. He is routinely vulgar and divisive about people different from himself.

Seriously, you have to ask yourself what we CAN hold our leaders accountable for if not stuff like this. He should be a model of the qualities we want to see in our children.

Rob Gorski

Not to mention the way he treats women and minorities


That is horrifying. I am SO glad that that accented-voice woman stood up for herself and a bystander stuck up for her (at no small personal cost, getting called a racial slur for her trouble) and that the manager stood by her as well. I’m impressed with WalMart today.

It’s time for white Americans to give up our false sense of entitlement. We have to interact with others based on our shared humanity, not on some ugly sense we are better than anyone else.

I totally agree about the impact of Trump’s election. It has let some people think they can say and act however they want. They need to be called out, just as this racist woman was.

I hope that she thinks about that interaction for a loooong time and finds a way to make up for the evil that she did that day.

Rob Gorski

Well said Dot. I absolutely agree… ☺