. @GaiaWearables is looking to prevent #Meltdowns and they need your vote

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 28, 2018

Hi everyone! We need YOUR help getting selected to host a panel on how technology can empower the autism community at the South By Southwest Conference 2019. Our team, GAIA Wearables, intends to create wearable technology that can prevent meltdowns amongst children with autism.

At the moment, the only wearables intended for the ASD community are reactionary, prevention is the next step. The hope of this panel is to not only explain and expand upon the effectiveness of preventative technology, but identify how such technology could launch the entire community into a future of unprecedented, personalized treatments.

This panel is really important for us to continue leading provoking conversations within the autism tech world. In order to be selected host a panel and participate in this conference, we need be leading in votes.

Voting is open now until August 30th. Your vote would be greatly appreciated!

To vote, you just follow the five fast steps below:

1) Click on this link: https://lnkd.in/geW5Y8t
2) Create an account to vote through
3) Confirm your email by clicking on the link they send you
4) Click on search/ vote and search for “Why We Need to Improve Autism Tech, Yesterday”
5) Vote up!

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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