I wanted to talk about some of my New Years Resolutions. Gone are the days where I would set these unattainable goals and then beat myself up when I inevitably failed. Instead, I want to focus on a few things that are important and will have a positive impact on our lives.
My main goal for 2020 is to improve my selfcare. Since I became a single Dad again, all my time and energy has gone into the kids. This has significantly impacted my focus on selfcare and I’m paying the price for it.

As part of this, I’m going to put significantly more effort into the following:
- I’m going to walk at least 3 miles after taking the kids to school. I want to walk at least 5 days a week.
- I’m going to incorporate more veggies into my smoothies. Currently, I use spinach, broccoli, kale and a few others.
- I’m going to make a concerted effort to get better quality sleep.
- I’m going to find better ways of dealing with stress and managing my depression.
- I want to continue emotionally healing from the implosion of my marriage.
- I’m going to focus on reducing the chaos in our lives.
- I’m going to work on my writing and grow the podcast.
These are all things I do anyway but I’ve gotten away for them since our lives took a dramatic turn. My resolution is to refocus my energy in ways that help to be the best version of me possible.
It’s not going to be perfect but my life matters and my kids need me. In order to be there for them in the ways they need me to be, I must take better care of myself. I fully intend to do that. I think that setting reasonable goals that help to make small, but sustainable changes is really important.
I’m going to work with my kids on some resolutions or goals for themselves this year. Nothing hardcore, but just something that helps them find a direction and something that helps to increase the quality of their lives. I will be leading by example on this. ☺
Here’s hoping you and your sons have a more settled and great coming year. You all deserve it. And here’s to all your 2020 personal goals, of which I believe you will accomplish. The best to you and your sons. Have a great new year.