The painful truth about my son’s condition

I've been working on this update for a little while but haven't been able to keep my thoughts together. If you take one thing away from this entry, let it be that I'm very worried about Gavin. Lizze and I both are very worried about Gavin.  Let me begin with the fact that Gavin's heartbroken. His beloved Master Sword broke yesterday and it's like his entire world has crumbled around him. [videopress yBQWDnIr] Every single morning, Gavin trains with his visibly challenged, group of super best friends. This is one of the many teams he commands. These teams help to defend the Universe from evil villains like Eggman or Shredder. Just so we're on the same page, these are all Schizophrenic hallucinations and are only real to him. Anyway, every…


Our plans for today

Today has been somewhat of a waste because I was so exhausted I ended up falling asleep for most of the morning. The last week or so that the boys were sick really took its toll on me. I'm feeling much better now and able to take on the rest of the day. After I pick up the boys from school today, Lizze and I are going to take them to the park for a little bit. It's 80°F and aside from a cough, they're doing well. We're think some fresh air might do everyone some good.  In the mean time, I'm working on an entry to explain all that's going on with Gavin. It's a relatively bug update and is taking me some time to get my thoughts in…


I’ve noticed something interesting about my kids with #Autism 

My kids can say some crazy shit sometimes. That's got nothing to do with Autism, it's just their cheeky personalities. ☺  That being said, I have noticed something that seems to be a common phrase between my kids, in one particular situation and I don't think they're doing it on purpose.  Whenever they are encouraged to try something new, maybe a new food, a different TV show, rather than just saying no, they say something else.  My kids will almost always use the phrase I'm not used to this......  It could be I'm not used to these chicken nuggets or I'm not used to this show. What they mean is they don't want it or don't like it.  Do your kids say anything like that? 


We doing pretty okay this morning 

The boys are both going to school this morning. Elliott is doing a great job of getting ready and cooperating. Emmett is struggling a bit this morning. It would be fair to say he's moody and is sort of all over the place.  After taking the boys to school, I'll be taking Lizze to her therapy appointment.  I'm really tired but I'm hoping to push through everything today and avoid taking a nap. I've got a lot I need to catch up on and sleeping with definitely interfere.  Hopefully your morning is going well... ☺ 

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I’m exhausted but feeling blessed

I apologize for not writing today. I've been doing a pretty good job of writing throughout the day recently. It feels good to be doing that again.  Unfortunately, I've been spread pretty thin lately and today had me buried.  I was up late with Emmett last night because he was sick. In fact, both boys missed school because they were running fevers. I just checked them before I crawled into bed and both are fever free at this moment in time, and God willing, returning to school in the AM.  I've been run kinda ragged, but I've turned in two articles this week and I'm really excited about that. Both will help, but do so in different ways. I have one more left to do and I'll have that done…


I have good news and bad news tonight

Today has been one of those days were it's truly been a mix bag. We've been blessed with some really positive events today. At the same time, there's some bad news as well. I think that's how life sorta balances everything out.  In fairness though, life has a pretty shitty track record for balancing things out for us, and a lot of other families.  I want to begin with the good news because it's a pretty big deal.  I had been talking about how things being tight this month and how we are adjusting to a significantly reduced grocery budget. This has had me really stressed out and scrambling to figure out our options. Last night, or rather very early this morning, my new advertising deal came through. I hadn't…


More homework frustration for my son with #Autism 

Both boys had a good day at school but Elliott's a bit frustrated over his homework for the week. Homework proves to be a struggle when he has four days in which to do it. I've written about this countless times.  Elliott is frustrated because it's a short school week and yet they're given the same amount of homework to do.  I can understand his frustration and I'm not quite sure of the logic that goes into the decision to do this. If homework is a problem on a full week, why not reduce the amount proportionally on a short week? That seems reasonable to me, because I know Elliott's far from the only one who struggles with homework in his class.  We'll help Elliott to get as much done…


Gavin’s complaining of the weirdest thing today

Ever since Gavin was little, hes had a weird relationship with pain. It's been labeled a sensory issue but it's still weird.  Back when Gavin was self-injuring in a major way, he would scratch his face open or punch his legs until he left giant bruises. He would never complain about these things hurting and they obviously should have hurt.  At the same time, if he had a barely visible hang nail, he would freak out and react as though it was the end of the world. He's always been this way.  This morning, he began complaining the webbing between his fingers was cramping up. It wasn't his fingers or hands either. He specifically pointed to the webbing and said it's cramping between each finger, and on both hands.  WTF…