BAD NEWS: Both boys came home from school sick today :(

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

Sorry for my absence today but it’s been absolutely crazy day but between work and everything else, I’ve been occupied.

I was able to walk this morning after taking the boys to school and I hit the treadmill twice afterwards too.  ☺


Shortly after lunch, I got a call from the school because Emmett was running a fever and wasn’t feeling good. 

The secretary said that there’s all kinds of nastiness floating around the school right now and we aren’t alone.

I brought Elliott home as well because it only made sense logistically but when I saw him walking down the hall, I could see he wasn’t feeling well either.

The rest of the day has been chaos. 

Gavin’s infusion was really painful for some reason but he handled it like a champ. 

Emmett and Elliott didn’t get along much at all because when they’re sick, they’re very sensitive to everything and end up driving each other crazy. 

I was able to get everyone in bed but at some point, both the boys woke up and each claimed a couch. 

It’s pretty apparent that they aren’t feeling well.

It’s going to be a really, really long night.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Beth n

I hope everyone get better quickly. Rob rest when you can and drink your OJ. The sickness is going all around Pennsylvania schools too and my classroom.

Rob Gorski

I’m out of OJ but I’m eating a few oranges a day. Hopefully that will help. I also got my flu short the other day as well.

The bleach wipes and lysol are out in full force as well.

There’s a few things going around the schools here in Ohio as well.

Thanks for the advice and I hope you stay healthy as well. ☺


Hoping they get better quick! Just a suggestion, get them off the couches and back to bed. You and Gavin will be catching that stuff right off the couch. Wash your hands ALOT . Even after the 2 E’s petting the animals wash your hands.

Rob Gorski

Gavin should be okay as he just supercharged his immune system today. If I move them, I risk them not going back to sleep….

It’s kind of a trade off at this point. Leaving them and claiming a couch is my best chance at getting some rest myself. .

Hands will be washed and couch sprayed with lysol… ☺

Beth n

I hope everyone get better quickly. Rob rest when you can and drink your OJ. The sickness is going all around Pennsylvania schools too and my classroom.

Rob Gorski

I’m out of OJ but I’m eating a few oranges a day. Hopefully that will help. I also got my flu short the other day as well.

The bleach wipes and lysol are out in full force as well.

There’s a few things going around the schools here in Ohio as well.

Thanks for the advice and I hope you stay healthy as well. ☺


Hoping they get better quick! Just a suggestion, get them off the couches and back to bed. You and Gavin will be catching that stuff right off the couch. Wash your hands ALOT . Even after the 2 E’s petting the animals wash your hands.

Rob Gorski

Gavin should be okay as he just supercharged his immune system today. If I move them, I risk them not going back to sleep….

It’s kind of a trade off at this point. Leaving them and claiming a couch is my best chance at getting some rest myself. .

Hands will be washed and couch sprayed with lysol… ☺


Hoping they get better quick! Just a suggestion, get them off the couches and back to bed. You and Gavin will be catching that stuff right off the couch. Wash your hands ALOT . Even after the 2 E’s petting the animals wash your hands.

Rob Gorski

Gavin should be okay as he just supercharged his immune system today. If I move them, I risk them not going back to sleep….

It’s kind of a trade off at this point. Leaving them and claiming a couch is my best chance at getting some rest myself. .

Hands will be washed and couch sprayed with lysol… ☺

Beth n

I hope everyone get better quickly. Rob rest when you can and drink your OJ. The sickness is going all around Pennsylvania schools too and my classroom.

Rob Gorski

I’m out of OJ but I’m eating a few oranges a day. Hopefully that will help. I also got my flu short the other day as well.

The bleach wipes and lysol are out in full force as well.

There’s a few things going around the schools here in Ohio as well.

Thanks for the advice and I hope you stay healthy as well. ☺


Hoping they get better quick! Just a suggestion, get them off the couches and back to bed. You and Gavin will be catching that stuff right off the couch. Wash your hands ALOT . Even after the 2 E’s petting the animals wash your hands.

Rob Gorski

Gavin should be okay as he just supercharged his immune system today. If I move them, I risk them not going back to sleep….

It’s kind of a trade off at this point. Leaving them and claiming a couch is my best chance at getting some rest myself. .

Hands will be washed and couch sprayed with lysol… ☺