Three crucial things I need to do today

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  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

As we begin the very first week of 2016, I have a few things on the agenda.

There are quite a few appointments that need to be made.  Some are more pressing than others but all are important.

The two that I’m going to have to prioritize first are Gavin’s OT/PT and the school, in regards to Elliott. 


Gavin’s first appointment with OT/PT last week had to be canceled because of the emergency repairs that had to be made to the house.  The boys had to spend the night with their Mom because we lost access to the second floor. 

I’m hoping to get Gavin in this week sometime because he really needs it. 

The next issue will be a little challenging because it’s going to require a bit of coordination between the school, myself and Dr. Pattie. 

Elliott is really struggling in school and I need to get in top of this ASAP.

The plan is to convene an emergency IEP review meeting or whatever it’s called.  I need to make this happen at a time when Dr. Pattie is able to be present.  This is really important because we need to get everyone on the same page with what Elliott’s needs are and what we can all do to help him. 

I also need to finish the appeals process for Elliott SSI application.  After speaking to the adjudicator, the denial was very likely the result of crucial records missing. 

That issue is being resolved and all I have left to do is write my letter.  That will be on my to do list for Monday. 

There’s a few other things that need to get done as well but those aren’t super important. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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