I’m so overwhelmed I just want to cry 

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

It’s been another exhaustive day in the house of freakishly rare, and frustrating medical conditions. Emmett wasn’t at school again because of a fever. He’s now been out of school since last Thursday, and while this is outside of anyone’s control, it makes me uncomfortable. 

The school is very understanding and we do t have any issues in that area, plus we do have a few notes from his doctor, but it doesn’t cover everyday. 

Emmett did pretty well today. He wasn’t as moody as he has been, but his fever is still present. It comes and goes throughout the day. We have to adhere to the twenty-four hours without a fever before returning to school rule. 

The problem is that while we may be confident this is a fever flare, and he was negative for Strep, there’s no way to know for sure that he’s not fighting off something else. This is where we find ourselves stuck, with little or no recourse. 

Personally, I’m positive he’s in a fever flare and there was any question in my mind, the pictures below clinched it for me today. 

No one knows what to do. We can’t get a blanket excuse from his doctors because without definitive proof that he’s not actually sick, they can’t say with certainty that the fever is the result of his fever disorder. 

I’m so lost right now. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Lizze and I were talking tonight and there isn’t a clear direction to go in. We are of course, worried about school. Having said that, there are bigger things to worry about and that’s how to help Emmett. There’s only three weeks left in the school year and that will take some of the stress off of us, but that’s still three whole weeks worth of not knowing what to do. 

Our priority is making sure Emmett gets whatever help is available, and ensuring that he is as comfortable as possible. 

I’m completely and utterly overwhelmed right now. 

Emmett’s supposed to be at the dentist on Friday to fix his chipped front tooth, but I don’t know what they are going to do if they see his mouth full of sores. 

Have you ever reached a point with your special needs child, when you want to sit in a corner and just cry? That’s where I am right now.. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Kari Farrell

Looks like geographical tongue.


He could have oral herpes, which is the same virus that causes canker sores and cold sores. Orange juice and oranges or anything heavily citrus can trigger it to flare. Check his throat if he’ll let you. If there’s filmy white stuff he might have thrush.

I feel for you. The “doctor wheel” gets exhausting. It’s like a hamster wheel, but for our brains and our brains like to run on them don’t they?

Suzanne Olsen

Looks like he has burnt his tongue on something that was too hot

Suzanne Olsen

Looks like he has burnt his tongue on something that was too hot

Rob Gorski

Nope. These pop up during a fever flare. It looks like a zombie tongue

Kari Farrell

Looks like geographical tongue.

Rob Gorski

It does…


He could have oral herpes, which is the same virus that causes canker sores and cold sores. Orange juice and oranges or anything heavily citrus can trigger it to flare. Check his throat if he’ll let you. If there’s filmy white stuff he might have thrush.

I feel for you. The “doctor wheel” gets exhausting. It’s like a hamster wheel, but for our brains and our brains like to run on them don’t they?