We got some sad news today

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I took Maggie to the vet this morning. She needed some vaccines before she could be boarded on Thursday, for our trip to Florida the following day. The physical appointment went well but we got some sad news.

As we suspected, Maggie has begun losing her hearing. This was pretty obvious based on the fact that she doesn’t respond to noise anymore. I was prepared for that, but I wasn’t prepared to hear that she’s losing her vision as well.

The vet couldn’t say how bad her vision is but her eyes are glassing over, and I guess that’s not a good thing.

She’s never had a very good sense of smell but it’s pretty much nonexistent at this point.

The positive take away is that she’s physically healthy. She needs to lose some weight, can’t see, hear or smell, but she’s healthy.

As for the tumors that have returned, the vet said he wouldn’t mess with them. Apparently, they aren’t causing any problems, and if or until they do, we leave them alone.

Unfortunately, Maggie’s getting old and with that blessing of many birthday’s, things like this happen. This is going to require some accommodations but she’s family and that’s what family does, right?

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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