Today had its moments but overall, I feel really good. There are a few things I’d like to celebrate tonight before I hit the sack and start this whole thing over again in the morning.
First of all, in a pretty major win for Mr. Gavin, he performed is own IVIG Infusion today and it didn’t leak. He did the entire thing, start to finish, and didn’t have a single issue. A little tough love was required to get him there, but he was really proud of himself when it was all said and done. ☺

I was able to get my walk in before dinner time. I was up all night last night because my leg was driving me fucking crazy. Once I did fall asleep, I opted to sleep instead of do an early morning walk.
Anyway, as soon as I got home from the park, we immediately got a bonfire going. I’ve been promising the kids that we would have one with week but it’s not worked out. I wanted to make sure we got this done for them because they’ve been looking forward to it.

Lizze hung out for a little while but hasn’t been feeling well today and the smoke wasn’t mixing well with her migraine.
The kids and I cooked some hotdogs and learned some fire safety along the way. We all had a great time and I’m super thankful for that. I very much value spending time with my family and slowing life down, so we can enjoy the moment.

As a bonus, I was also able to knock out a job this morning and responded to about half a dozen PR inquiries that are all paid opportunities. I’m excited about that. ☺
Life is tough on most days but I truly appreciate days like today where the good far outweighed the bad and amazing memories were with my wife and kids. ☺ 💙
Glad you all had a good day. Hope you and your family have many more!
Why don’t you all use those big wood rounds as stools around the fire? Better than squatting.
There are chairs just out of the frame. They had been moved back because the fire was so hot. We have actually used the logs as seats in the past, we just weren’t that day. 🙂
I’m glad it was good for you!