The boys got off to school without any issues. We even arrived a few minutes early. We’ll see how long the excitement lasts but for right now, things are looking good.
I came home and crashed. Gavin was playing the Xbox for a bit before he took his morning nap.

I feel so much better after getting some sleep. I think I was too stressed out to fall asleep last night, but until last night, I’d been sleeping really well. The lack of sleep hit me harder because I wasn’t used to it. Maybe?
Either way, I didn’t get much accomplished aside from getting the kids to school and righting myself before they get home. Oh, I did discover that Ruby peed all over the couch and I only found it because I fucking sat in it. I’m not super happy about that, and I’ll have to break out the carpet scrubber when I get home. It has an upholstery attachment that is a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
I’m anxious to see how the boys a first day back went. I have a good feeling about it, and I’m hoping that proves to be true.
Fingers crossed..🤞