I’m having a bit of fun and frustration as Christmas gets closer and closer. The boys are very indecisive this year and I’m having a hard time getting any ideas for what get them.
I know this year is going to be new for all of us but I want to make it as special as I can. This is proving to be a bit challenging, but we’ll get there.

One of the things the boys want to do is make sure we get something for our pets. We’ve never really done that before but I think it might be a nice new tradition. I figured we would go locally to some place like PetSmart or simply order something online at one of the infinite amount of online spaces like https://healthy-chews.com/super-stixx-vanilla-yogurt.
Either way, if the kids feel like they want to give our pets something for Christmas, I think that could be fun and I’m supportive of the idea. It’s really nice of them to do that and while these items will be small and inexpensive, they’ll feel good about doing it and I feel good about that.