It’s been a rough day. Elliott got much worse overnight and his mom and grandma took him to urgent care before bringing him home today.
I’m not sure what happened but he definitely got worse and I would have taken him in as well.

I ended up taking the Emmett and Gavin while their mom and grandma took Elliott to get checked out. I needed to go grocery shopping and didn’t want to have to drag Elliott along.
We got the shopping done and got home just in time for Elliott to get dropped off.
He’s got bronchitis but due to his asthma, it’s a bit more complicated I guess. He’s on antibiotics, steroids and a cough suppression medication for bedtime. He sounds absolutely awful but I think it sounds worse than what it is.
I’m going to get him in to his pediatrician this week for a follow-up, just to be sure.
Mr. Emmett seems to be starting with a cough as well and he very worried that it’s going to get worse. If he gets any worse I’ll get him in as well, so we can head it off before he gets to where Elliott is right now.
Emmett’s crashing with me tonight because sinus drainage is freaking him out. He just fell asleep and I can he him gurgling a bit. I have him propped up to help but I think he’s next on the sick list.
Elliott is very prone to pneumonia and we have to be careful with him.
He’s using his emergency inhaler every two to four hours right now. Hopefully, after a full day or so on his meds, he’ll start seeing some improvement.
Emmett is going to have a very difficult time sleeping because he so sensory oriented that sinus drainage drives him crazy. He can’t stand the sensation.
Anyway, I’m feeling fine and so is Gavin, so at least there’s that.
My youngest son inherited my allergies and bad sinus problems and used to get sick a lot when he was young. We were always worried about him getting pneumonia, so I know how you feel. Here’s hoping Elliott feels better soon.
I appreciate the kind words Curtis. Thank you so much. ☺
Get better soon