The vacation was amazing but the fallout, not so much

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 20, 2020

If you don’t follow me on Twitter, then you might not know that we recently arrived home safely from our trip to Orlando. I’m working on the podcast and will post the full update about our experience then. I’m hoping to have the podcast ready for this weekend and the post shortly after.

Anyway, it’s been a challenging transition home and I feel tired and a bit frustrated.

Elliott and Emmett are definitely overstimulated and taking their good’ol time decompressing. They’re at each other’s throats and while it’s driving me fucking crazy, it’s completely expected.

The kids spent a great deal of time in the car and that’s after all the excitement of the trip itself. There’s really no way to avoid a bit of fallout.

Gavin on the other hand is doing fine. He’s just being Gavin, which can be challening on a good day but outside of that, he seems to be doing good. Just to be safe, I knocked on wood, cause I probably jinxed us by saying that.

The boys will return to school in the morning and with any luck, Emmett will make it the full day. He will at least be there until 11AM at minimum but his goal is the full day. Next week, he’s supposed to return to full days once again. He’s nervous but excited because he desperately wants to get back to school.

I was so exhausted today that I didn’t do much of anything. I did return the rental car and go grocery shopping but I still need to unpack. There’s quite a bit of unpacking that needs done and about 4 loads of laundry.

There’s so much that needs to get done and I just don’t feel like doing much of anything but I’m going to push through it. I have to prep for at least 2 interviews next week and get to work on the 3 recordings that need mixed and released.

I would really like to go walking in the morning but it may be in the single digits and a bit too cold for me right now. Something I have decided to do is get back to the gym. I want to feel more comfortable in my own skin and further improve my health. Emmett wants to start working out and I’d love to get him into a more active lifestyle. That’s on my short list .

I’m hoping to get to bed before 1AM tonight but there are a few things I need to finish up before I can call it a night.

The kids have lunches for tomorrow and clean clothes. That’s about as far as I got tonight. Oh, and they’re clean as well. I did manage to get them bathed. They do that on their own but I need to make them do it. lol

Before I call it a day, I just want to thank everyone that helped to make this trip possible. It was an amazing experience.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)