The boys and I have had an amazing experience and we’re making our way back home. I’m exhausted and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and eating something I cook myself.

By the time you read this, we should be well on our way back to Ohio. My understanding is that it’s at least 50°F colder than Orlando but I don’t mind the cold.
The kids are probably at their limit right now and really don’t want to be in the car any longer. The trip home seems much harder than the trip to Orlando. The hours seems to kinda drag on and the kids are all doing their own thing and I’m sorta alone for the drive.
I’m excited to get home because I have a lot of work that I need to get caught up on and I’m actually feeling pretty motivated to get things done.
Once we get home and settled back in, I’ll do a full write up to go along with the pending podcast and let you all know how everything went in more derail.
For now, I’m going to try very hard to get my overstimulated kids to go to sleep. I need a good night’s sleep for the last leg of the return trip.
So glad the trip went so well for you and the boys. Safe trip home and can’t wait to read and listen to your review of your experiences in Orlando