My kids are being everything but cooperative today. They don’t like changing from routine and I’m asking them to do that in order to better prepare for whatever COVID19 is going to throw our way. We need to make changes in order to help prevent any kind of illness from taking hold in our house because Gavin has a compromised immune system.
I’m really stressed out and trying to gain control over the chaos but the kids just aren’t having it. Truthfully, neither of them will or at least shouldn’t be going to school in the morning. Elliott’s been running a high fever all weekend, with a headache, cough and congestion. Emmett started with a cough last night. I don’t know what else to do but keep them home.

So far, Gavin and I are both doing fine. Elliott seems to be feeling better but he needs 24 hours fever free before he can return to school.
I’m trying to manage everything but it’s just not very easy, especially since being in my own. This is definitely a time where teamwork would be of massive benefit to all of us. It’s not like Lizze and I aren’t working together, it’s just that she’s not here and everything falls on me. Everything that’s falling on me is really heavy and challenging to manage.
I feel for you Rob. We’re going through some health issues with our son right now and my we are extremely worried and anxious about the COVID19 virus which is now in our area. Just know that even with my own problems and worries, I’m pulling for you and your boys, hoping they get better soon and that somehow this unexpected virus is somehow conquered by doctors and scientists working together around the world. You all take care and be safe and healthy.