It’s getting scary: 4th confirmed #COVID19 case in Ohio is within 1 mile of my house

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 11, 2020

The kids are still dealing with the remnants of flu and for the most part, they’re feeling better. They are however, still under the weather and I am as well. Thankfully, Gavin is still doing quite well and I’m very grateful for that.

The kids are aware of the serious nature of COVID19 and we’re adopting new habits that will help limit our risks. I need the kids cooperation and so they need to know what’s going on, at least to some degree. I’m preaching preparedness, not panic and I’m doing my best to lead by example. When I first learned about the confirmed case, very close to my house, I was admittedly freaked out.

When I get that way, I always call my Dad because I get out the jitters on the phone and it puts me in a better headspace to be what my kids need me to be.

We have no plans on leaving the house anytime soon. I filled the tank in the car and made sure we had everything we needed. Lizze and I have decided to stop any visits for right now. There are people at high risk in her house and one in mine as well. It’s better to practice social isolation at this point. This is already hitting very close to home and I must do whatever I feel I need to do in order to keep my kids safe.

The boys wouldn’t be in school anyway because they’re still sick. I’m hoping by the time they feel better, the city will decide what they’re doing with the schools. I believe that they should be shutdown until such time they can safely be reopened. If that means cutting the school year short, so be it.

I’ve been hearing rumors that schools around me will be closing, if they aren’t already. I’ve not been able to independently verify that but I think it’s a necessity at this point. We only have one chance to get this right. This is the worst pandemic in 100 years and it makes no sense to take any chances.

Please stay safe. Be smart and only rely on reliable sources, like public health officials, for information on COVID19. Remember not to panic but be prepared.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Curtis G.

It hasn’t hit our county yet but has hit the surrounding counties, so it will soon be in our backyard. This is something out of a sci-fi movie that is now a reality. My wife and I are in that age group that is the most vulnerable. So we’ve stocked up as best we can and are pretty much home bound. Yesterday it took us 5 hours to find a store that still had toilet paper. Water and toilet paper nowhere to be found. You and your family take care Rob. I’ll continue to read your blog and wish you all the best and safety in the coming times.