3 reasons I’m feeling incredibly blessed today

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 30, 2018


You all know by now that I’m working hard on taking better care of myself. Self-care is so important, especially when your an Autism parent.

I weighed myself this morning and I’ve hit a new weight-loss record. I’m down to 307 lbs from 340 lbs this past Spring. That takes my total weight-loss to 33 lbs so far. ☺

Lizze, Gavin and I went for a short walk this morning. It ended up being less than a mile because Gavin’s hips and legs were bothering him. It wasn’t much but it was something. After we got home, I ended up going back out and doing my usual route.

I didn’t want to go but it’s important to me that I go everyday, whether I want to or not.

So far this month, I’ve walked for 47.9 miles and I’ll easily hit my goal of 50 miles this month. This number only reflects what I do at the track and that’s it. I feel really good about that number. ☺

I’ve also finished the Samsung Health challenge of 200,000 steps for August and I did so with time to spare. I’ve met this goal for the last couple of months.

I feel really good about the progress and my determination to keep moving in the right direction, regardless of what is going on in my life. My hope is that other people will be inspired to do the same.

The Little Things

As an Autism parent, it’s really important that I appreciate the little things in life.

I went walking before picking up the boys from school. I didn’t arrive until 2:45 PM and the boys get out at 3 PM. I realize that’s still early but I always get there at 2 PM, get some writing done and so I’m first in line when the boys are dismissed.

I was seriously late today and figured that I would end up being at the end of the parent pick up line.

To my surprise, I was still the first parent there.

That was a really cool thing and I’m grateful that it worked out that way because it allowed me to still do what I normally did, even though I was tardy to the party.

It’s the little things that can make the biggest difference at times.

We need to celebrate the victories, regardless of how big or small. It so easy to be overcome by the negative side of things but if I celebrate the little things, it helps me find the strength to keep moving forward.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Cindy Jones

It sounds like things are starting to turn around and be in your favor!! Good job on the weight loss Rob. Amazing what walking can accomplish!! Curious, did you also make changes to your diet?

Kim gebhardt

That’s fantastic that you got paid so quickly. What are the jobs? I feel like there are probably a lot of people who follow your blog who could benefit from being able to do the same thing to earn some extra cash and in such a short period of time.

Follow up question- I know working full time outside the house is difficult and part of that reason was because any significant bump in income would lower your benefits, but now that Gavin is an adult does that change anything? His benefits are now independent so you should be able to earn more without having cuts made, right? Just a curiosity.


Definitely share, I would love a little extra spending cash and a little cushion between pays

kim gebhardt

Oh my god, right?!