Emmett climbed into bed about 4am again this morning. That pretty much was the end of any restful sleep for me. He’d had another nightmare and was upset to the point where he was shaking and in tears.
He adhered himself to my left side, wouldn’t let go and never fell back asleep.

I went to bed relatively early and so I still managed some sleep but I’m feeling drained at this point. Unfortunately, we have to get moving because we have plans for today and I have work to do before we can leave.
Assuming Elliott’s doing okay, we’re going to my brother’s house for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is going different directions on Thanksgiving day so by having a dinner tonight, everyone will be able to attend.
If Elliott’s not doing okay than we obviously won’t be able to go.
I’m trying very hard to give my kids a better life and one of the ways I’m doing that is by making sure the kids see their extended family, on both sides. It’s a tricky balance because holidays are overstimulating for kids on the Autism spectrum and while family is important, making sure that my kids aren’t pushed too far, is as well.
The kids were a little bummed because they were unable to visit their Mom last night, as she is sick. They spoke on the phone before bed but that didn’t help out a great deal. They understood but they’re still disappointed.
Last night, to help ease that a bit, we had a pizza and movie night. It seemed to help because it was a distraction and distractions are often helpful.
On a side note, Emmett eventually got up and went downstairs. I thought I could sneak in a little sleep before I needed to get up. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out. Shortly after that however, I was awoken by this nonsense.

I realized that life was just not going to allow me to get any rest. Rather than continue to fight it, I simply got up and began my day.