One of my goals for 2020 is to further expand upon my efforts and to do that, it requires several things. One I need to setup more of a business structure.
One of the things I need to do is meet with an attorney. Something similar to Kazmi Law might work. I’ve mentioned many times before that I wanted to setup a non-profit but I’m not sure.

I make my living with this site via things like digital marketing and sponsorships. I sell adspace here and adspots on the podcast. This allows me to generate an income that helps me feed my kids and fuel my efforts going forward. One of my challenges is that I’m doing this alone. I don’t have a team of people working for or with me and I have to focus on everything myself.
I need help with things like marketing, SEO and things like that. I need a company like Ignite Digital to help with SEO and address those types of challenges. I’m not very good at that and frankly, it’s limiting. Link building is another challenge and someone like Rex Originals can help with that because I’m terrible at link building.
There’s a lot of things happening right now and they’re largely positive but if I were able to focus more or improve upon some specific struggles, I could be doing much better.
Maybe I could find myself in a position to work with companies like PAAY or North American Bancard to help out with parts of the financial side. I also need to offload a good deal of this to a decent accountant. I do my own taxes and it would be nice not to have to worry about that as things get more complicated as I grow.
I would love to get to a point where I can focus solely on content and not have to worry about anything else. I could write and record and that would be how I feed my kids and get them a better life. It’s overwhelming and frustrating because I wear many hats but because I wear so many, I can’t wear any single hat exceptionally well. I don’t like that but it’s been a necessary evil. I’m hoping to do better in 2020, learn more about these things and move forward in a way that better provides for my family and better serves the community.