We had a pretty good day. It rain/stormed for most of it and it was a welcome reprieve from all the explosions that have been pretty must constantly happening for the last couple of weeks.
I haven’t talked about here but I started a Twitter thread last night and apparently, this is happening all across the country
This is has been happening for at least the last week or so. Its 24/7 on and off. If it’s not here it’s down the street or somewhere else that close enough to rattle the windows. For the record, this is NOT sensory friendly, especially at 3am.. pic.twitter.com/e9usZoEnDH
— Rob Gorski (@theautismdad) June 22, 2020
For roughly the past few weeks, there has been a constant barrage of fireworks going off, all hours of the day and night. We’re not talking light weight shit either. These are very, very illegal, professional grade fireworks.

There are sometimes that I swear to God it’s like a bomb going off outside our house. You can see in the tweet above what it’s like on a relatively quiet evening. It’s looks like anti-aircraft guns firing. Other times all we get is a massive explosion that rattles our windows and knocks pictures off the wall. We can feel the concussive blast from inside the house.
This is not Autism or sensory friendly in the least.
I thought this just some weird thing happening around here but apparently it’s everywhere and there are se crazy conspiracy theories floating around.
Anyway, because it was raining today, it was relatively quiet.
I was able to get some recording done for next episode drop in the coming weeks. It felt so good to make a little progress. It’s been a nightmare lately because of all the explosions. Everytime there’s a loud boom, Gavin screams. He’s very easily startled for some reason.
It really was a good day and I’m so grateful for that.
It’s happening here in my neighborhood and all over our town. I don’t know what kind of fireworks they’re using or where they’re buying them but the force from the blast have my area at night sound like a war zone. The fireworks they’re using are incredibly powerful. My oldest son’s going through some other things right now and this doesn’t help matters. People in my town are complaining but there’s little action from our local police. This has been going on in my town since May.