Mental health might be a little harder to manage than usual. Especially at the moment with Coronavirus stopping people from doing the things they love. You might manage your mental health by going to work. Perhaps by socializing or seeing loved ones. Everyone is different, but unfortunately Covid has shifted life. Managing one’s mental health isn’t always easy, but it can be easier. When you’re trying to do this while working a full time job, being a parent, etc. it can all add up and overpower quite quickly. The tips below can help shift your perspective. Remember though, especially when it comes to mental health, people are different. What works for one might not work at all for another. It’s important to apply any advice you see in a bespoke way so that it suits your uniqueness.
Find Time For Yourself
If you’re really struggling, even in lockdown, then it’s important to find time for yourself. This is especially the case if you’re stuck in a key worker role. Finding this time might be hard, but it’s important. Then you need to ensure you manage this time properly. First you need to prepare. This could range from needing to buy shatter online, to downloading an update on your favourite game. Finding time might be hard if you’re a parent. Just try to come to some sort of compromise with your partner. Everyone needs time for themselves, especially if they’re experiencing mental health issues of any form.

Get Fresh Air
You’ll be surprised by how useful this can be. Not just to help with mental health problems, but for general well being. If you live somewhere with bad weather this may not always be an option. However if it is, you should try and make the most of it. Getting out and about is a great way to get some exercise. New scenery is always a plus and getting fresh air might cheer you up a little. You can bring the family along too. Picnics, bike rides and park walks can all be incorporated into your outdoor activities which should all hopefully help. It’s a great way to dwell on something, and think things through logically as you’re walking.
Talk It Through
Don’t keep it bottled up. Whatever the issue. Whether it’s anxiety, depression, etc. You need to talk it through. First, speak to your partner if you have one. Talking it through with those closest to you just makes things a little easier. Getting the issues off your chest and being able to hear someone else’s opinion might make the world of difference. If you have a serious mental health issue, you need to book an appointment with a doctor or specialist as soon as you can. They’ll know more than anyone else what you need to do to get better. However, no one can make you better or prescribe the right medicine if they don’t know about it. You can only help by helping yourself. Take the first step and talk things through with a family member, friend, or colleague. You’ll feel better for it.
This is a contributed post and therefore may not reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.