Who’s born hating others? 

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I wanted to take a few minutes and reach out to my fellow parents because I think that’s the best approach in stopping hate before it begins.

Trying to reach those neck deep in hate already, is mostly a fruitless endeavor.

With all that’s been going on in our country over the last few weeks with nazi groups, white nationalists and the KKK, we need to take a serious look at how we’re raising our kids.

No one is born hating other people, that’s a learned condition. We aren’t born inherently hating those who are different than ourselves, we learn to do that. 

As parents, it’s so important to realize that our kids learn from us. I know that may seem like commonsense, but clearly it’s not for everyone. 

Our kids pick up on our feelings, attitude and demeanor towards others. If they experience their parents showing love and compassion to those in need of it, that can have a lasting impression. 

We have a responsibility to raise our children in a manner that helps them be as happy and well adjusted as possible. Teaching them to perceive minorities, those with disabilities or anyone else who maybe different,  as somehow being inferior, is one of the cruelest things you can do to your child. 

Teaching your child to hate others, sets them up for a lifetime of pain, suffering and paranoia. 

Kids that learn to hate, will always be on the outside looking in. Teaching them to hate minorities, will in fact force them to live in the minority. 

The reality is, people living with so much hate for their fellow man, does in fact put them in the minority. Most of the human race is made of good and decent people, who don’t view others of different races or ethnicities as inferior. 

Unfortunately, we are experiencing a raise in the number of people who are hell bent on racial purity. There are many reasons they feel emboldened enough to march in broad daylight now. 

We may never be able to truly counter these hate spreading domestic terrorists, and they are considered domestic terrorists. Maybe the best way to address this is by letting them die out, while we continue to stand against them. 

If we correct the issues of hate before people learn to hate in the first place, we’ll see hate die out as the current generation of haters does as well. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Becky Wiren

I was very sorry that the 21st century didn’t turn out to be more progressive. This is not what I w… https://t.co/30YNyN5KRi

Mark Shapiro

Todd Clubb

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂

Becky Wiren

Look, the reason some of us are so upset (and I think Rob is going here) is about the Nazis marching because Trump said there were good people there. Really? I can’t imagine saying “oh, they shouldn’t pull down those statues so I’m going to march with Nazis in solidarity?” NO. Good people don’t march with Nazis, period. And for Trump to say there were good people is deeply concerning, because that means he sympathizes with Nazis. C’mon, this isn’t really hard.

I would also like to know what opinions are causing so many problems to people that don’t involve being racist, sexist, etc etc bigots?

Rob Gorski

Well said Becky….


Actually, the original intent of the march was to protest the removal of the statues…and it was overrun by the supremacists and then antifa to make it ugly and awful. so while I personally think Trump was ridiculous and inappropriate for making the statement, he was most likely not incorrect.

People can disagree with the removal of the statues and not be racists or bigots…at least they could up until recently when opposing viewpoints became offensive. Which is all I have been saying. Nazis are such a blip on the radar, and basically everyone agrees that way of thinking is awful. The bigger issue is people refusing to allow opposing viewpoints because of some perceived insult. That is what actually needs to be taught to our children.

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂


I think a much larger issue is how we as a society are no longer tolerant of other view points and opinions. That can also be taught and it’s not. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only one that matters now…and if you disagree, you are threatening or, god forbid, mean!

Everyone agrees that nazis are bad, (except for the nazis themselves, of course)
Unfortunately, so are the other groups that are forcing every last opinion on the masses. And they have MUCH larger numbers. Somehow, since they arent ‘nazi’ bad, they are getting a free pass to act like maniacs and we are allowing it.

It’s all bullshit and blaming it on one small group is disengious to the actual problem we are facing

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.


I think a much larger issue is how we as a society are no longer tolerant of other view points and opinions. That can also be taught and it’s not. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only one that matters now…and if you disagree, you are threatening or, god forbid, mean!

Everyone agrees that nazis are bad, (except for the nazis themselves, of course)
Unfortunately, so are the other groups that are forcing every last opinion on the masses. And they have MUCH larger numbers. Somehow, since they arent ‘nazi’ bad, they are getting a free pass to act like maniacs and we are allowing it.

It’s all bullshit and blaming it on one small group is disengious to the actual problem we are facing

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.


By saying the other groups aren’t nazis you are implying they aren’t as bad…and I disagree completely.

I actually think they are more dangerous because we (as a society) are encouraging the behavior from those groups by making excuses for them.

Becky Wiren

I wonder what opinions are being forced on you that are changing your life or causing you problems?

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂


I think a much larger issue is how we as a society are no longer tolerant of other view points and opinions. That can also be taught and it’s not. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only one that matters now…and if you disagree, you are threatening or, god forbid, mean!

Everyone agrees that nazis are bad, (except for the nazis themselves, of course)
Unfortunately, so are the other groups that are forcing every last opinion on the masses. And they have MUCH larger numbers. Somehow, since they arent ‘nazi’ bad, they are getting a free pass to act like maniacs and we are allowing it.

It’s all bullshit and blaming it on one small group is disengious to the actual problem we are facing

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.

Becky Wiren

Look, the reason some of us are so upset (and I think Rob is going here) is about the Nazis marching because Trump said there were good people there. Really? I can’t imagine saying “oh, they shouldn’t pull down those statues so I’m going to march with Nazis in solidarity?” NO. Good people don’t march with Nazis, period. And for Trump to say there were good people is deeply concerning, because that means he sympathizes with Nazis. C’mon, this isn’t really hard.

I would also like to know what opinions are causing so many problems to people that don’t involve being racist, sexist, etc etc bigots?

Rob Gorski

Well said Becky….


Actually, the original intent of the march was to protest the removal of the statues…and it was overrun by the supremacists and then antifa to make it ugly and awful. so while I personally think Trump was ridiculous and inappropriate for making the statement, he was most likely not incorrect.

People can disagree with the removal of the statues and not be racists or bigots…at least they could up until recently when opposing viewpoints became offensive. Which is all I have been saying. Nazis are such a blip on the radar, and basically everyone agrees that way of thinking is awful. The bigger issue is people refusing to allow opposing viewpoints because of some perceived insult. That is what actually needs to be taught to our children.

kimmy gebhardt

What you’re suggesting is a huge oversimplification. As long as humans exist, hate will exist. As long as people are not all one and the same, their differences will divide them. Are Nazis bad? Sure are- can’t argue that. Are they really doing a lot of damage to society? Nope. There are other larger, more vocal, more powerful groups that are in the process of turning this world into one giant shitshow- and they are going to make anyone claiming to be a Nazi look like my grandma. And I’m talking about my good grandma, not the other, nasty one who was a wretched old racist bitch.

Rob Gorski

Of course it’s an oversimplification, there’s only so much space here and I only have so much time. Just saying…. 🙂


I think a much larger issue is how we as a society are no longer tolerant of other view points and opinions. That can also be taught and it’s not. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only one that matters now…and if you disagree, you are threatening or, god forbid, mean!

Everyone agrees that nazis are bad, (except for the nazis themselves, of course)
Unfortunately, so are the other groups that are forcing every last opinion on the masses. And they have MUCH larger numbers. Somehow, since they arent ‘nazi’ bad, they are getting a free pass to act like maniacs and we are allowing it.

It’s all bullshit and blaming it on one small group is disengious to the actual problem we are facing

Rob Gorski

I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but it’s hard to compare any of these other groups to nazis or white Supremisists. In my opinion, they’re in a group all their own. That doesn’t excuse violence or hateful behavior from any group, but even on their worst days, they aren’t nazis


That is where the argument is flawed. Just because they aren’t nazis doesn’t mean they aren’t terrible and trying to force their agenda on people through fear and intimidation. But just as you posted, we give allow it because ‘at least they aren’t nazis’

We have been on a downward spiral for a long time and the statues are now going to open a Pandora’s box that is going to be hard to come back from anytime soon.

Rob Gorski

You’re putting words in my mouth and twisting the rest. I never said they weren’t problems. I just said they weren’t nazis and that’s true.


By saying the other groups aren’t nazis you are implying they aren’t as bad…and I disagree completely.

I actually think they are more dangerous because we (as a society) are encouraging the behavior from those groups by making excuses for them.

Becky Wiren

I wonder what opinions are being forced on you that are changing your life or causing you problems?