Heartbreaking: We’re seeing changes in Gavin’s behavior

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I wanted to give a general update on how Gavin’s doing with the changes to his antipsychotic medication, Clozapine. It’s been a couple weeks since the dosage was reduced and I think it’s a fair time to evaluate how he’s doing since those changes.

One of the biggest changes I think we’re seeing, was very subtle at first and hard to notice.

It’s been a couple of weeks now and it’s become much more obvious that there are changes taking place. The biggest at this point is that Gavin’s spending much more time in his room.

What this tells us is that he’s spending more time in fantasy, then he is in reality. By fantasy, I’m referring to the Schizophrenic hallucinations he interacts with.

Gavin’s spending much, much more time in his world’s than he is in ours.

He’s going on more frequent missions with the team of super heros he leads. It feels like he’s more distant from the rest of us. He still asks if there is anything he can do to help but that’s pretty much the bulk of communication.

The only other thing he really talks about is the games he plays on his tablet.

These are concerning behavioral changes. Don’t get me wrong, we are worried about him. At the same time however, they are relatively benign and manageable. We’re hoping to see a trade-off here.

As his Clozapine is reduced, we’re hoping to see the issues with the cell lines in his blood improve.

Both the behavioral and physical health issues are serious. The difference however, is that one is potentially very life threatening and the other isn’t.

As long as Gavin doesn’t become violent or aggressive again, we can deal with the behavioral side of things.

There are a few other things we’re seeing as well but they aren’t really major at this point:

  • More easily frustrated
  • More frequent meltdowns
  • Increase in self-injurious behavior

These are things we are keeping a close eye on for now. There have been two incidents that have us more concerned, one happened while at Dr. Pattie’s office this past week. I’ll dedicate a post to those a bit later.

For now, this brings you up to speed..

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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