It’s 25°F outside and 49°F in our house this morning

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 9, 2019

I will be the very first to admit that we are financially struggling. I make decent money but it’s hard to do so consistently for a number of reasons that don’t really matter at the moment.

One of the struggles I have is in regards to the utilities. I can do really well for awhile and then I can fall behind, unable to get caught up. I’m currently in the fell behind category and I’m unable to get caught up. Actually, I’m only behind on one utility and that’s our natural gas, through Dominion Energy Ohio.

I’ve been working very hard to get things caught up but I’m $510 behind and past due, as of yesterday. That’s actually pretty good, considering where we’ve been.

On the way to the funeral yesterday morning, I called Dominion and checked our status once again. We’d moved into a shutoff status overnight and I was trying to figure out our options. The only one we really had left was to go through HEAP or Home Energy Assistance Program though the State of Ohio.

We actually needed to recertify our percentage of income payment plan or PIPP this month anyway and going through HEAP can accomplish that. It also puts my account on hold and stops any pending disconnects. The trick is actually getting an appointment, which isn’t easy because so many people need help. The lines always busy and even if you can get through, more often than not, there aren’t any appointments available.

Anyway, I told the representative that I would keep trying to call. She said that as soon as the appointment is scheduled, my account will be secured and our service will remain, as long as we keep the appointment. She’s right. We’ve done this every year because we have to renew every year.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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kimmy gebhardt

I don’t understand how you can be over $6000 behind on your gas bill yet have newer electronics than I have. This sort of thing is a perfect example of why many people look down upon welfare recipients. I have said this before and I’ll repeat myself now- get some financial counseling. It is one of the best things you could do to help your family.


Does HEAP offer budget advice with these appointments. I know your work is sporadic, but it sounds like maybe some professional advice could help here. We, a family of 3, lived on a low annual wage for quite a while. IT seems overwhelming once you get that far behind, but chipping away is the key. No cable or satellite, home phone was cheaper than a cell, no going out, just things like that we cut out and put that money towards a savings.

I hope you are able to get this sorted out soon. I know it can be overwhelming, especially having three children with neurological differences. I’m sending positivity to you and your family. You aren’t alone and you aren’t a bad person for falling behind.

Jimmy Rock

Rob, I hope that your heat is back on by now, and I’m sorry your family has to endure this, particularly while going through what must be an emotionally draining time.

I hope that you take what Kim and Pony are saying and are able to digest it at a time when this immediate crisis is over. Keep in mind that while the message may seem harsh, I don’t think it’s coming from a place of judgment.

I think it’s about people pulling for you to be able to break this cycle of constantly living on the edge of financial crisis. I hope you can figure out what’s working for you, and what’s not, and find a way to get yourself to a more consistently financially stable situation.

I’ve been at the depths of financial dispair myself and although I’m fortunately now far removed from those times, I’ll never forget the feelings that accompanied them.

Best of luck to you and your family.