The stress is unbearable

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 16, 2019

Compromise is impossible because it’s a black and white issue for them. Kids with Autism often view things in black and white, making compromise difficult at best.

We have one bathroom, and with all the medical issues, people are fighting over it because their bodies don’t follow a set schedule. Some days things are okay, and others, some people are constantly in need of the bathroom. Our bathtub allows for about six inches of water and a human body. It’s very old, short and shallow. Very shallow.

This is a very overwhelming situation because we have tried for years to make this work, but it’s pretty clear that even temporary solutions aren’t effective anymore.

We can deal with the bathroom stuff but giving the boys their own space is a major issue, and there’s no immediate fix.

I desperately need to figure something out because the boys are constantly fighting, and the constant fighting is driving me crazy. The stress makes Lizze’s health issues worse and further complicates things. As it is, she’s not doing well, and things are very tough right now.

Unfortunately, we’re in a position that many special needs families find themselves in. The demands are constant; resources are extremely limited, and the stress is unbearable.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I have one simple solution for your sons differing sleep needs. It’s simple and cheap: a sleep mask. Okay, maybe there could be sensory issues but if you present it as a way to sleep in the dark, it might work. Plus the masks are usually soft and they can be adjusted for the wearer’s comfort.

My husband and I both wear sleep masks simply because we sleep a bit after the sun comes up. Amazon has ton of sleep masks. The one I’m using now was $9.99 and is made of silk, I believe. There’s a cut out for the nose. I actually wear mine with my CPAP mask and it’s just fine. It’s certainly worth experimenting with.

ALSO: if noise is an issue for anyone at night, ear plugs are available. I don’t like noise and use them.


I have to go along with Pony on this- why not move Elliott into the attic? The bathroom situation is a rough one. And do you not have a shower? I couldn’t deal with a bath only, especially when it comes to washing my hair.


Oh I wasn’t necessarily thinking a bedroom up there, but maybe just clean it up as a space where they could go get some alone time. Time to just chill. Put maybe some books and a beanbag up there or something. But with the problems you described perhaps not


I’d be really concerned about a leak anywhere in the house that can’t been fixed. I’ve also often wondered about mold you’ve mentioned being in your basement – terribly unhealthy IMO and possibly a cause of at least some of your wife’s issues, as well as the boys. Sure wish you guys could move!


If I remember correctly, isn’t there a pretty large attic space? And it was all drywalled and such. Wouldn’t it be possible to clean that up and use that as an additional space?