I’m quickly running out of shits to give

I’m dealing with mini anxiety attacks throughout the the day and I’m not sleeping well. I’m worried about my kids and what we’re going to do. How long can we make our food last? How can I better rise to the occasion? How can I continue to bring money in so I can provide for my family? What happens if I get sick? What happens if one of my kids get sick? What happens if worst case scenario, Gavin gets sick?

Another question weighing quite heavy is can I actually do this alone?

I’m struggling with selfcare right now because depression is currently wiping the floor with me. This COVID19 pandemic is like rocket fuel for depression and that has at least temporarily changed the balance of power in regards to my emotional health.

Not to sound cliché but the struggle is real.

It’s taken me 3 goddam days to write this post. I’m hoping that I have the strength to get through this. I’m grateful for my extensive training and experience as a medic and first responder because that does provide an element of advantage but I don’t think many people are actually prepared for the shit storm that the combination of Covid-19 and Trumps complete incompetence have caused.

Life is never going to be the same and we have to be able to adapt unfortunately, it’s very difficult for Autistic kids to make these adaptations but it’s my job as a parent to do whatever I can to aide them in process.

At the end of the day, all I can control is how I chose to respond to this crisis. I’m working very hard to overcome the obstacles in my path, whether they be physical or emotional.

To add just a little more pizazz to an already nightmarish situation, I was just summoned for jury duty. Fucking jury duty. This is only the second time in my life that I’ve been summoned and it just happens to be literally be at the worst time imaginable.

While I would normally be happy to fulfill my civic duty, I will be asking for an exemption. I’m a single Dad to 3 Special Needs kids and my oldest is medically fragile. All they have is me right now and as their full time caregiver, can’t leave them. Not to mention the risk of exposure to Gavin.

I don’t foresee this as being a huge problem but I’m jumping on it immediately and will draft a letter today, as well as call the jury commission on Monday. My hands are tied right now and I cannot leave. Hopefully, they will exempt me and I can continue to care for my kids.

Outside of that, I’m working on an episode with Emmett. I wanted to give him a chance to express how this whole lockdown situation is impacting him. Hopefully, that will be out later today.

Please stay safe. Stay healthy. Be smart. Be prepared. Try not to panic.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Hey Rob. If the temps go up a little and kids aren’t sick, you could take them out to the park. I’m guessing that the parks aren’t going to be crowded in Northern Ohio. Maybe if they get out some they will be more bearable. (I throw this out there, but I’m aware it may not be workable…)

The last 2 years or so for me, I didn’t get out as much, pre- and post-surgeries. Now that I’m more able to move around, we aren’t supposed to be going to many places. I was going to focus on teaching Henry to drive this year, and now I can’t even get him a temporary license (all but 5 Ohio BMVs are closed).

Anyway, hang in there. If we can all stay home as much as possible, the pandemic won’t happen as quickly and severely, making the medical system handle it better. It’s definitely a weird time we’re going through. At least DeWine seems to be sane and responsible.

OTOH, if you can somehow make more podcasts I know I would listen to them!


Knees aren’t bad. I spent yesterday taking Henry to Toledo, waiting, surgery blah blah, and picked up a cold. (No fever, nothing in chest.) Hoping it goes back to 60 because I WANT to tak e walk!

Curtis G.

I feel for you Rob. As a father, I’ve been dealing with my son’s autism for 30+ years. And in that time I’ve come to realize that parenting an autistic person, whether a child or as in our case, a child who is now by years a young man, is no easy task for anyone. And you are doing this basically alone for 3 sons. I’ve always respected you for your love and never give up attitude for your sons. There’s no handbook that says we as parents are mandated, within ourselves, to be the perfect parent. How could we be. We are a segment of parents who have been thrust into a whirlwind of continuous, never ending ups and downs and sideways manner of existence. Not one of us wished for our children to be born autistic. but we now found ourselves having to push the limits of human emotional endurance to somehow try and do the best we can to help our children exist and find a place in this already often crazy and unsettling world.

Parents of so called regular or neurotypical children have no inkling of the immense pressures and emotional stress that comes with being the parent of a loved one with autism. It’s a battle that we fight for our sons and daughters that is ongoing with no little breathing room and full of both successes and failures. And sometimes we beat ourselves up because we cant just wave a magic wand and make everything all normal and okay for the children we love. All we can do, no matter how deep the valley we find ourselves in, is to do the very best we can and stand by our children no matter what the crisis, no matter how close it pushes us to feelings of despair, lonliness and not knowing if we are doing the right thing or the wrong thing. At the end of the day, all we have is the certainty that we did everything humanly possible to make life a little bit better, no matter how small the accomplishment, for our children and that no matter what or how low we often feel, we are still here for them.

This Corona Virus, as serious a problem as it is, is just another in a long line of problems that have beset us. There’s no easy answer, no quick fix until things are finally put in place to eliminate this pandemic problem that has now taken over the world. And our job is always to be the protector, the master and mistress of Vulcan logic and not panic because in the end, everyone in the house looks to us for protection and guidance, even though down inside, we have to attempt to suppress the fear and the uncertainty like everyone else. You hang in there Rob. We’re having a bit of problems(medical and behavioral) with our son here now as well which is being heightened by the COV19 virus. All my wife and I can do is try our best to do whatever it is we have to do to lessen his fears and try our best to tend to his ongoing medical issues which in itself may become scary, if the hospitals and doctors become overwhelmed and begin selecting whose medical issues warrant who gets treated at the head of the line. Take care to you and your sons Rob and be safe.

Kamran Khan

Hey, are you in Pacific Northwest by any chance?