It’s not looking good at this point

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

First of all, things aren’t looking good for the many people in the path of Hurricane Irma. My heart goes out to all in its path, as well as those putting their lives back together in its wake.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost their lives in this truly terrible storm.

I’ve been talking to people familiar with where we’re supposed to be going, as well as surviving hurricane weather. It’s looking like we may actually have to reschedule our trip.

We won’t know until we know, but it’s not looking good at this point.

This trip is a big deal for my family, but it’s just a trip. We can reschedule or worst case scenario, make alternate plans.

I can’t even begin to imagine what everyone dealing with any of these hurricanes are going though or will be going through. All we can do from here is continue to pray for everyone’s safety.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Rob Gorski

This is the last I’m going to say in this matter. Dutch is suggesting transparency and to explain why I have reservations about the trip.

Has anyone considered that the reservations I have are related to planning for this, the kids being all excited, and then having to reschedule at the last minute because of Hurricane damage.

I thought I was being rather transparent about that.

I’m not upset or angry with anyone. I just know myself and what I’m doing better than anyone reading and trying to interpret things. Perhaps I could express myself more clearly but I’m very excited about this trip. Of course I’m nervous but I’m not looking for excuses to avoid the trip.

Again, I’m not upset. It does get frustrating when people seem to tell me how I’m feeling.

Have a great day everyone. ☺


I don’t think Dutch or Kimmy mean you’re trying to avoid the trip. I think simply they are saying that in 3 weeks Disney will be back up and running. They are a well oiled money making machine and it won’t stop them. So keep planning it’s going to be an amazing trip for Gavin

Rob Gorski

That’s not really what is being said. Dutch’s point is that I’m trying to avoid the trip and rather than make excuses for it, like the hurricane, I should just be transparent about my fears.

That’s not what’s happening and I would know best how I’m feeling.

Frankly, three weeks may not be enough time. Nothing like this has ever happened before and no one knows how much damage its going to leave in its wake.

Maybe disney gets back up and running but that doesn’t mean the place we’re staying will be.

I’m simply being realistic and acknowledging the possibility that we may have to reschedule for a number of reasons related to the hurricane. Anyone who can say that this isn’t a real possibility, isn’t watching the news or paying attention to just how devastating this is going to be to Florida.

When sometbing is unprecedented, that means it’s never happened before and we can’t know the outcome until it’s over.

That’s all I’m saying.

There are parts of the planning for this trip that present many challenges and the people I’ve spoken to have all expressed the same concerns about the timing of the trip. There’s another hurricane right behind Irma, it might not hit but it’s too far out to know for sure.

All I’ve been trying to do was share that this is a concern and it can potentially impact our plans. People keep reading way too much into it..

I share my thoughts very transparently and that’s what I’ve been doing. People are welcome to their opinions but that doesn’t make them right.


*Please don’t get defensive and tell me I’m wrong. This is how your posts are sounding about this trip*

I have friends that live in and around the Orlando area and they are tracking this storm hourly. The projections are showing this hitting Orlando on Sunday/Monday (9/10-9/11) at anywhere from 45-70 miles per hour. While this isn’t great for the residents, it’s hardly anything that would cause significant damage, let alone cause someone cause someone to alter their plans 3 weeks later.

So you are either ramping up the drama a bit OR are having serious reservations about going, but I seriously doubt you will have any issues with leaving on your date because of Irma.

Either reason is fine and something you should absolutely write about. That is what people want to read! That is interesting. Saying that the storm is doing this reads false and will have people eye roll and disengage.

Rob Gorski

You’re reading way too much into this. The fact is that Irma is the worst hurricane ever recorded and it’s going to track straight up the Florida peninsula.

I’m not sure where you’re getting your information but the current forcasts show category 2, possibly category 3 tracking right through Orlando. Category 2 is wind’s of at least 105 miles per hour.

I’m not ramping up any drama. This is a HUGE factor as to whether or not we’re going to be able to go. I’m not sure why my concerns at raising red flags for you.

If me being concerned about traveling to an area that had the worst hurricane in recorded history blow through just a few weeks eariler makes me dramatic, than so be it.

I’m not offended but I don’t know why you are so concerned about this whole thing.


I figured this would be your response. Like I said, I have friends IN Orlando. If your trip was to the keys? Sure. I get it. Orlando? Not so much.

I’m not trying to minimize the storm at all either, just your reaction to it and what would happen literally 3 weeks later.

A cat 2 wouldn’t even cancel school the day after it happened..and I know you fancy yourself the authority on most, but some of us have gone through this stuff before too.

Rob Gorski

I’m simply going by what the experts are saying. I’ve no personal experience in this area and this is a huge unknown factor for us.

Again, I don’t know why you’re so concerned about me being concerned…

Anyway, have a great day. ☺


I thought the purpose of your site was to provide insight and encourage dialogue. I’m reading your posts about this trip and I have offered advice and insight to you on traveling since I have more experience than you do.

If you don’t want it don’t take it, but don’t host an open site and question why someone would comment on something they found questionable.

kimmy gebhardt

While Dutch might not be replying to you with flowers and bunnies, he’s not wrong. Your posts seem almost like you’re hoping that you have to postpone. One of my best friends is in Orlando and while this storm is serious it’s certainly not projected to wipe out that area. Disney and the other parks will clean up and be back open for business in no time. That said, I hope you will continue with your plans to go. If you don’t, you are in effect wasting a wish for a child. Not Gavin, but another child who might have been able to use that spot in the wish village and another family who could have used those passes to the parks. The village only has so many open spots and if you don’t show up, it has been wasted. Same with the tickets. Disney has a limited number of free passes that are given to charitable organizations and you not using your 5 passes means they were wasted. I get that that Wishes Can Happen *might* be able to reschedule, but it is still a lot of lost time, effort, and charitable contributions. To put it simply, you not going has a much farther reach than you might realize.

Jimmy Rock

Since I raised the issue the other day in response to another post, and it was suggested that I was “reading too much into this”, I’ll just say this: I don’t think that’s a particularly productive response, nor is “I know myself and what I’m doing better than anyone reading and trying to interpret things.” Irrespective of whether that’s actually true, it’s not conducive to any sort of dialogue. It appears that it has happened on more than one occasion on this blog that a commenter has figured out a situation before you have — and that’s without having the advantage of having every intimate detail that you do.
Look. You’re a worrier. And that’s OK. To be fair you have a lot going on that justifies a lot of that worry. But sometimes certain situations do come up that you express concern about in which you completely jump the gun, and start worrying before there’s anything to worry about. And I’m not saying that I wouldn’t do the same if I was in your shoes. But I’m not, and neither is anyone else who’s commenting here. It doesn’t mean they don’t have insight that just actually might alleviate some of your concerns, as it doesn’t appear that you’re understanding that although Irma is a historically strong hurricane and has caused devastation in the Caribbean and will do so in Miami and the Keys, at this point, there’s no particular reason to think that a weakened (but still hurricane level storm) Irma will impact the Orlando area with such devastation that the parks will not be open in three weeks.
I think people are not trying to interpret your motivation as much as to try to understand what you’re thinking and try to alleviate some concerns you may have. This trip, although a great opportunity for your family which should be a lot of fun, will cause some anxiety. All traveling does, and it’s obvious that this trip will be way outside your comfort zone on many levels. But I think if some of that anxiety could be alleviated by what people are trying to convey to you that would be a good thing.

Jimmy Rock

FYI DisneyWorld is closing on Saturday evening and looking to reopen on Tuesday.

Jimmy Rock

Since I raised the issue the other day in response to another post, and it was suggested that I was “reading too much into this”, I’ll just say this: I don’t think that’s a particularly productive response, nor is “I know myself and what I’m doing better than anyone reading and trying to interpret things.” Irrespective of whether that’s actually true, it’s not conducive to any sort of dialogue. It appears that it has happened on more than one occasion on this blog that a commenter has figured out a situation before you have — and that’s without having the advantage of having every intimate detail that you do.
Look. You’re a worrier. And that’s OK. To be fair you have a lot going on that justifies a lot of that worry. But sometimes certain situations do come up that you express concern about in which you completely jump the gun, and start worrying before there’s anything to worry about. And I’m not saying that I wouldn’t do the same if I was in your shoes. But I’m not, and neither is anyone else who’s commenting here. It doesn’t mean they don’t have insight that just actually might alleviate some of your concerns, as it doesn’t appear that you’re understanding that although Irma is a historically strong hurricane and has caused devastation in the Caribbean and will do so in Miami and the Keys, at this point, there’s no particular reason to think that a weakened (but still hurricane level storm) Irma will impact the Orlando area with such devastation that the parks will not be open in three weeks.
I think people are not trying to interpret your motivation as much as to try to understand what you’re thinking and try to alleviate some concerns you may have. This trip, although a great opportunity for your family which should be a lot of fun, will cause some anxiety. All traveling does, and it’s obvious that this trip will be way outside your comfort zone on many levels. But I think if some of that anxiety could be alleviated by what people are trying to convey to you that would be a good thing.

Jimmy Rock

FYI DisneyWorld is closing on Saturday evening and looking to reopen on Tuesday.

Rob Gorski

This is the last I’m going to say in this matter. Dutch is suggesting transparency and to explain why I have reservations about the trip.

Has anyone considered that the reservations I have are related to planning for this, the kids being all excited, and then having to reschedule at the last minute because of Hurricane damage.

I thought I was being rather transparent about that.

I’m not upset or angry with anyone. I just know myself and what I’m doing better than anyone reading and trying to interpret things. Perhaps I could express myself more clearly but I’m very excited about this trip. Of course I’m nervous but I’m not looking for excuses to avoid the trip.

Again, I’m not upset. It does get frustrating when people seem to tell me how I’m feeling.

Have a great day everyone. ☺


I don’t think Dutch or Kimmy mean you’re trying to avoid the trip. I think simply they are saying that in 3 weeks Disney will be back up and running. They are a well oiled money making machine and it won’t stop them. So keep planning it’s going to be an amazing trip for Gavin

Rob Gorski

That’s not really what is being said. Dutch’s point is that I’m trying to avoid the trip and rather than make excuses for it, like the hurricane, I should just be transparent about my fears.

That’s not what’s happening and I would know best how I’m feeling.

Frankly, three weeks may not be enough time. Nothing like this has ever happened before and no one knows how much damage its going to leave in its wake.

Maybe disney gets back up and running but that doesn’t mean the place we’re staying will be.

I’m simply being realistic and acknowledging the possibility that we may have to reschedule for a number of reasons related to the hurricane. Anyone who can say that this isn’t a real possibility, isn’t watching the news or paying attention to just how devastating this is going to be to Florida.

When sometbing is unprecedented, that means it’s never happened before and we can’t know the outcome until it’s over.

That’s all I’m saying.

There are parts of the planning for this trip that present many challenges and the people I’ve spoken to have all expressed the same concerns about the timing of the trip. There’s another hurricane right behind Irma, it might not hit but it’s too far out to know for sure.

All I’ve been trying to do was share that this is a concern and it can potentially impact our plans. People keep reading way too much into it..

I share my thoughts very transparently and that’s what I’ve been doing. People are welcome to their opinions but that doesn’t make them right.

kimmy gebhardt

While Dutch might not be replying to you with flowers and bunnies, he’s not wrong. Your posts seem almost like you’re hoping that you have to postpone. One of my best friends is in Orlando and while this storm is serious it’s certainly not projected to wipe out that area. Disney and the other parks will clean up and be back open for business in no time. That said, I hope you will continue with your plans to go. If you don’t, you are in effect wasting a wish for a child. Not Gavin, but another child who might have been able to use that spot in the wish village and another family who could have used those passes to the parks. The village only has so many open spots and if you don’t show up, it has been wasted. Same with the tickets. Disney has a limited number of free passes that are given to charitable organizations and you not using your 5 passes means they were wasted. I get that that Wishes Can Happen *might* be able to reschedule, but it is still a lot of lost time, effort, and charitable contributions. To put it simply, you not going has a much farther reach than you might realize.


*Please don’t get defensive and tell me I’m wrong. This is how your posts are sounding about this trip*

I have friends that live in and around the Orlando area and they are tracking this storm hourly. The projections are showing this hitting Orlando on Sunday/Monday (9/10-9/11) at anywhere from 45-70 miles per hour. While this isn’t great for the residents, it’s hardly anything that would cause significant damage, let alone cause someone cause someone to alter their plans 3 weeks later.

So you are either ramping up the drama a bit OR are having serious reservations about going, but I seriously doubt you will have any issues with leaving on your date because of Irma.

Either reason is fine and something you should absolutely write about. That is what people want to read! That is interesting. Saying that the storm is doing this reads false and will have people eye roll and disengage.

Rob Gorski

You’re reading way too much into this. The fact is that Irma is the worst hurricane ever recorded and it’s going to track straight up the Florida peninsula.

I’m not sure where you’re getting your information but the current forcasts show category 2, possibly category 3 tracking right through Orlando. Category 2 is wind’s of at least 105 miles per hour.

I’m not ramping up any drama. This is a HUGE factor as to whether or not we’re going to be able to go. I’m not sure why my concerns at raising red flags for you.

If me being concerned about traveling to an area that had the worst hurricane in recorded history blow through just a few weeks eariler makes me dramatic, than so be it.

I’m not offended but I don’t know why you are so concerned about this whole thing.


I figured this would be your response. Like I said, I have friends IN Orlando. If your trip was to the keys? Sure. I get it. Orlando? Not so much.

I’m not trying to minimize the storm at all either, just your reaction to it and what would happen literally 3 weeks later.

A cat 2 wouldn’t even cancel school the day after it happened..and I know you fancy yourself the authority on most, but some of us have gone through this stuff before too.

Rob Gorski

I’m simply going by what the experts are saying. I’ve no personal experience in this area and this is a huge unknown factor for us.

Again, I don’t know why you’re so concerned about me being concerned…

Anyway, have a great day. ☺


I thought the purpose of your site was to provide insight and encourage dialogue. I’m reading your posts about this trip and I have offered advice and insight to you on traveling since I have more experience than you do.

If you don’t want it don’t take it, but don’t host an open site and question why someone would comment on something they found questionable.