It’s the only thing that makes sense at this point

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  • Post comments:34 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

I wanted to drop a quick line and let you know that I’ve spoken with the people from Wishes Can Happen about the timing of our trip.

We’re going to wait until the end of the week to make a decision but as far as Lizze and I are concerned, our decision is made. Lizze and I are going to reschedule the trip when the end of the week arrives, at least as long as we have any control of things.

I realize there was a bit of doubt that Hurricane Irma would interfere with our trip but I suspected it would from the get go.

I wasn’t being negative but rather trying to be as realistic as possible, because this trip will only happen once-in-a-lifetime, and we want to make the most of it.

As of the time of writing, FEMA estimates that 75% of Florida is without power and that it will take weeks before its fully restored. We’re supposed to leave in a bit over two weeks and there’s a really good chance that the power will still not be back on.

Some of the grid can be repaired but a large part of it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, according to reports from FPL..

Pushing things back, even thirty days will likely make a big difference. Making the trip will make much more sense at that point. Florida needs time to recover and we want to be able to make the most of our trip. Rescheduling is really the only thing that makes sense at this point.

Once again, our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this historic hurricane season. I wish there was more we could do but we’re sending all the positive thoughts we can muster. ☺

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Rob Gorski

I’m not sure why there is so much debate over this. This is our trip and with 75% of the STATE OF FLORIDA without power, including where we are supposed to be staying, it doesn’t make sense to continue making further arrangements if we aren’t sure when everything will be restored.

Everyone’s welcome to their opinion but it doesn’t make you right.

Florida is in bad shape over all and we are leaning towards rescheduling until we know for sure that everything is going to be in order.

I haven’t asked for anyone’s opinion and I’m really tired of this debate. It’s our trip and based on my family, how my kids work, the current status of Florida, the unknown impact of José and the predicted amount of time before power is restored everywhere, we feel it’s best to reschedule.

I don’t get why everyone cares so much. This doesn’t impact you in the slightest. Rescheduling now is better than having to reschedule at the last minute because things aren’t going to work out.

This is a once in a lifetime trip. We are well within the realm of logic/reason to look at what’s going on down there and feel as though we’re better off pushing things back.

I appreciate everyone’s input but having looked into this myself, discussed it with the relavent people involved and applying a bit of commonsense, I know what’s best to do for my family.

If we were to push forward with this, only to find out that we can’t go due to power outage or other damage, and this happened at the last minute, the kids would be devastated.

Believe it or not, I know what’s best for my family and our situation better than anyone else. If we end up deciding to reschedule, that’s what we’ll be doing.

I’m not trying to be a dick and violate my own commenting policy but sometimes it would be nice for people to simply accept that we know what’s best for our family, even if you don’t get it. Frankly, unless you’re an Autism parent, you won’t.


Just from reading and observing the comments made on this topic. I think people could be upset because you have been kind of defensive when anyone tries to give you advice about any aspect of this. Especially the driving part. It also could appear that you might be looking a gift horse in the mouth and not making the best of what is happening. Yes a lot of Florida is without power. Yes there could be some damage. But people aren’t wrong when they say Disney will be fine by the time you get there. They will be open for business tomorrow. I don’t care what you do or how you handle it because I don’t donate to that charity, but maybe some commenters do?

Rob Gorski

Look, Disney is one of many places we are supposed to be going to. I understand that Disney will be open but that’s only part of the reason we are going. Thank you for not caring what we do and for recognizing it’s our decision. I get frustrated because I keep being told that the reasons we are talking about rescheduling aren’t the reason we are wanting to rescheduling. People are welcome to share their thoughts but don’t pretend to know why I’m doing something.

I’m asked to share more insight into why we are doing things and when I do, my reasons aren’t good enough or not considered valid reasons.

That’s why I get upset or frustrated. Does that make sense?


block your comments, Rob. Seriously. This has fuck all to do with the weather or autism and it’s offensive to frame it as such..

So stop being so fucking defensive and dramatic when anyone questions your posts and just block comments so you don’t have to read anyone else.

Also, its common SPACE sense.

Rob Gorski

Dutch, I appreciate the traffic, but your comments aren’t helpful. You don’t know my situation better than I do…. Arrogance frustrates me, but frankly, at this point, I don’t care what you think.

For the record, before you question someone’s grammar, it might be good to make sure you are writing without mistakes.

Commonsense and Common Sense are both correct. Some words have more than one correct spelling.

kimmy gebhardt

“Commonsense and Common Sense are both correct. Some words have more than one correct spelling.”
Correct, but you are still using it incorrectly. It’s only one word when used as a descriptor which is not how you are using it.

I will let you and Dutch go at it now, but my inner grammarian was screaming at me.

Rob Gorski

Correct. I meant it as an adjective but didn’t word it right. My point was that there were lots of grammar issues in his comment and pointing out mine when his was a mess was kinda funny. Thanks Kim 🙂


You are ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Your proof reading was comical too, but whatever makes you feel like you showed me up.

I also figured out why this bothers me.
1. I offered you advice early on, because unlike you I have in fact traveled and traveled with family. You are too pigheaded to realize what you don’t know, so you dismissed me and acted like you had it all figured out. Which is par for the course for you when anyone offers you any advice.
2. It’s offensive to anyone that has actually worked for a trip like this to see someone so nonchalantly decide to just move it out ‘3 weeks or so’ because of a completely stupid reason. You know what would happen to actual people if they did this? They would be told to fuck off, autism or not. Reservation and commitments mean something.

So tell me to have a nice day and act like you aren’t taking this for granted…but for anyone here that has paid for a vacation knows it is and that you are full of shit.

Rob Gorski


I don’t care what you have to say anymore. You have a nice day.

Rob Gorski

I went ahead and returned the favor. I’ve proofed your comment for ya.. There were only five mistakes.

“Block your comments, Rob. Seriously. This has fuck all (not sure if all was a typo or not) to do with the weather or autism, and it’s offensive to frame it as such.

So stop being so fucking defensive and dramatic when anyone questions your posts and just block comments, so you don’t have to read anyone else.

Also, it’s common SPACE sense.”

kimmy gebhardt

“I don’t get why everyone cares so much.”

I care because this is a wish trip. If you were paying for this trip, I would not care about you rescheduling. I care because a spot is reserved for your family and you are asking to be rescheduled at the last minute. Because of that, there is a pretty good chance that some other child doesn’t get a wish or has to wait longer for their Disney wish to be fulfilled and that is unacceptable to me. Make a Wish and organizations like them are wonderful and do so much for families. One of my best friends stayed in the GKTW village with her family. Her sister has a congenital heart defect and MS and has died twice; once at the age of 5 and was brought back by their father, the other time she was brought back by their brother. So, because of that, wish kids are important to me and the thought that a child might miss out because you want to reschedule is reprehensible to me.

Rob Gorski


I’m sorry you find the idea of possibly rescheduling because of unforseen circumstances. I’ve already said this is a discussion between my family and the people involved.

Kids like this might be important to you and I appreciate that, but when it’s your kid it’s different.

I’m shutting comments down before this gets any worse.

Unable Pown

TBF, you’re only looking at the parts down to Orlando. South of that you wont be going to and, depending on the timing, you could be helping the people of Orlando get back to normal. That said, I have no idea how much damage the Orlando area took.


Minimal damage for Orlando. It’s rob and the foundations choice..and the foundation having to redo all of the reservations, but there is zero reason to not go to Orlando or the surrounding areas…even as early as this weekend.

Jimmy Rock

Wow. What is going on here? You’re going down a dangerous road here, Rob. Now you’re saying everyone should simply accept that you know best and if someone doesn’t have an autistic kid, they shouldn’t bother trying to understand, because they won’t get it?

You know, you don’t have a lot of commenters here that give advice, challenge you, or push the conversation forward…but the ones who do, for the most part, do so with thoughtfulness and insight. Often times it’s through that continuing conversation that the most expressive, educational, or insightful information is generated for your audience.

I get that you’re frustrated, but maybe, just maybe, your frustration with people’s comments stems from a failure to effectively communicate or to understand an objective opinion on the matter?

I’m sorry you feel you have to cancel your trip. I hope you are able to reschedule and that you are able to pull it off at some point.

Rob Gorski


None of you are in my shoes. I share my story as a means of helping people. I rarely am asking for advice but some people like to give it anyway. That’s fine, but I’m in the best place to know what’s best for my family.

This trip is a big deal for us and there are a lot of things we have to coordinate in order to make this work.

It may work out but there’s a good chance that we won’t be able to have the same experience we would if we were to wait a couple weeks.

There’s nothing selfish about that and that doesn’t mean we are taking anything for granted.

My guess would be that most of the people commenting here have no idea what it’s like to even be in this situation.

The only reason we have the ability to go on a trip like this is because our child is living with life threatening health conditions. There’s a good chance that this will be the only opportunity we have to do something like this and make memories as a family that will carry us through if we ever have to face our worst fear.

Is it a crime that we want to make sure the trip is as positive for him and the rest of us as possible?

These organizations deal with situations like this all the time. When kids have health issues or things arise that suggest rescheduling is the right thing to do it can be done.

We are feeling like with all that’s going on down there right now, it might be best to push it back a little. That’s it.

If doing so means that Gavin will be able to have a better chance of making the most of this opportunity, wouldn’t you want that for your child.

This isn’t a slippery slope. It’s just me getting fed up with some people questioning my motives at every turn.

I’m the nicest guy in the world, ask anyone who knows me in real life. I also have my limits and this particular topic has gotten out of control and I’m done with it.

This isn’t directed at the people who participate in discussions, offer suggestions if they feel like it, but ultimately recognize that I’m going to do what I feel is best, regardless of what they think about it.

I get that other people have made family trips like this before but have they done it with Autistic children, because it’s not the same thing.

I hope this can be put to rest. We’re going to do what we feel is best for our family. The people involved in this will help us with our decision.

Kim Gebhardt

Okay, I don’t understand why it’s the only thing that makes sense. Disney has already reopened. The only part of your trip which might be in jeopardy is Daytona, and you could either go on the way back or go to one of another 8000 places in the area to see the ocean. Creating a paperwork and scheduling nightmare for the people handing your family a free vacation is simply not necessary. You really are creating a mountain out of a molehill with this.

Jimmy Rock

Wow. What is going on here? You’re going down a dangerous road here, Rob. Now you’re saying everyone should simply accept that you know best and if someone doesn’t have an autistic kid, they shouldn’t bother trying to understand, because they won’t get it?

You know, you don’t have a lot of commenters here that give advice, challenge you, or push the conversation forward…but the ones who do, for the most part, do so with thoughtfulness and insight. Often times it’s through that continuing conversation that the most expressive, educational, or insightful information is generated for your audience.

I get that you’re frustrated, but maybe, just maybe, your frustration with people’s comments stems from a failure to effectively communicate or to understand an objective opinion on the matter?

I’m sorry you feel you have to cancel your trip. I hope you are able to reschedule and that you are able to pull it off at some point.

Rob Gorski


None of you are in my shoes. I share my story as a means of helping people. I rarely am asking for advice but some people like to give it anyway. That’s fine, but I’m in the best place to know what’s best for my family.

This trip is a big deal for us and there are a lot of things we have to coordinate in order to make this work.

It may work out but there’s a good chance that we won’t be able to have the same experience we would if we were to wait a couple weeks.

There’s nothing selfish about that and that doesn’t mean we are taking anything for granted.

My guess would be that most of the people commenting here have no idea what it’s like to even be in this situation.

The only reason we have the ability to go on a trip like this is because our child is living with life threatening health conditions. There’s a good chance that this will be the only opportunity we have to do something like this and make memories as a family that will carry us through if we ever have to face our worst fear.

Is it a crime that we want to make sure the trip is as positive for him and the rest of us as possible?

These organizations deal with situations like this all the time. When kids have health issues or things arise that suggest rescheduling is the right thing to do it can be done.

We are feeling like with all that’s going on down there right now, it might be best to push it back a little. That’s it.

If doing so means that Gavin will be able to have a better chance of making the most of this opportunity, wouldn’t you want that for your child.

This isn’t a slippery slope. It’s just me getting fed up with some people questioning my motives at every turn.

I’m the nicest guy in the world, ask anyone who knows me in real life. I also have my limits and this particular topic has gotten out of control and I’m done with it.

This isn’t directed at the people who participate in discussions, offer suggestions if they feel like it, but ultimately recognize that I’m going to do what I feel is best, regardless of what they think about it.

I get that other people have made family trips like this before but have they done it with Autistic children, because it’s not the same thing.

I hope this can be put to rest. We’re going to do what we feel is best for our family. The people involved in this will help us with our decision.

Rob Gorski

I’m not sure why there is so much debate over this. This is our trip and with 75% of the STATE OF FLORIDA without power, including where we are supposed to be staying, it doesn’t make sense to continue making further arrangements if we aren’t sure when everything will be restored.

Everyone’s welcome to their opinion but it doesn’t make you right.

Florida is in bad shape over all and we are leaning towards rescheduling until we know for sure that everything is going to be in order.

I haven’t asked for anyone’s opinion and I’m really tired of this debate. It’s our trip and based on my family, how my kids work, the current status of Florida, the unknown impact of José and the predicted amount of time before power is restored everywhere, we feel it’s best to reschedule.

I don’t get why everyone cares so much. This doesn’t impact you in the slightest. Rescheduling now is better than having to reschedule at the last minute because things aren’t going to work out.

This is a once in a lifetime trip. We are well within the realm of logic/reason to look at what’s going on down there and feel as though we’re better off pushing things back.

I appreciate everyone’s input but having looked into this myself, discussed it with the relavent people involved and applying a bit of commonsense, I know what’s best to do for my family.

If we were to push forward with this, only to find out that we can’t go due to power outage or other damage, and this happened at the last minute, the kids would be devastated.

Believe it or not, I know what’s best for my family and our situation better than anyone else. If we end up deciding to reschedule, that’s what we’ll be doing.

I’m not trying to be a dick and violate my own commenting policy but sometimes it would be nice for people to simply accept that we know what’s best for our family, even if you don’t get it. Frankly, unless you’re an Autism parent, you won’t.


Just from reading and observing the comments made on this topic. I think people could be upset because you have been kind of defensive when anyone tries to give you advice about any aspect of this. Especially the driving part. It also could appear that you might be looking a gift horse in the mouth and not making the best of what is happening. Yes a lot of Florida is without power. Yes there could be some damage. But people aren’t wrong when they say Disney will be fine by the time you get there. They will be open for business tomorrow. I don’t care what you do or how you handle it because I don’t donate to that charity, but maybe some commenters do?

Rob Gorski

Look, Disney is one of many places we are supposed to be going to. I understand that Disney will be open but that’s only part of the reason we are going. Thank you for not caring what we do and for recognizing it’s our decision. I get frustrated because I keep being told that the reasons we are talking about rescheduling aren’t the reason we are wanting to rescheduling. People are welcome to share their thoughts but don’t pretend to know why I’m doing something.

I’m asked to share more insight into why we are doing things and when I do, my reasons aren’t good enough or not considered valid reasons.

That’s why I get upset or frustrated. Does that make sense?


block your comments, Rob. Seriously. This has fuck all to do with the weather or autism and it’s offensive to frame it as such..

So stop being so fucking defensive and dramatic when anyone questions your posts and just block comments so you don’t have to read anyone else.

Also, its common SPACE sense.

Rob Gorski

Dutch, I appreciate the traffic, but your comments aren’t helpful. You don’t know my situation better than I do…. Arrogance frustrates me, but frankly, at this point, I don’t care what you think.

For the record, before you question someone’s grammar, it might be good to make sure you are writing without mistakes.

Commonsense and Common Sense are both correct. Some words have more than one correct spelling.

kimmy gebhardt

“Commonsense and Common Sense are both correct. Some words have more than one correct spelling.”
Correct, but you are still using it incorrectly. It’s only one word when used as a descriptor which is not how you are using it.

I will let you and Dutch go at it now, but my inner grammarian was screaming at me.

Rob Gorski

Correct. I meant it as an adjective but didn’t word it right. My point was that there were lots of grammar issues in his comment and pointing out mine when his was a mess was kinda funny. Thanks Kim 🙂


You are ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Your proof reading was comical too, but whatever makes you feel like you showed me up.

I also figured out why this bothers me.
1. I offered you advice early on, because unlike you I have in fact traveled and traveled with family. You are too pigheaded to realize what you don’t know, so you dismissed me and acted like you had it all figured out. Which is par for the course for you when anyone offers you any advice.
2. It’s offensive to anyone that has actually worked for a trip like this to see someone so nonchalantly decide to just move it out ‘3 weeks or so’ because of a completely stupid reason. You know what would happen to actual people if they did this? They would be told to fuck off, autism or not. Reservation and commitments mean something.

So tell me to have a nice day and act like you aren’t taking this for granted…but for anyone here that has paid for a vacation knows it is and that you are full of shit.

Rob Gorski


I don’t care what you have to say anymore. You have a nice day.

Rob Gorski

I went ahead and returned the favor. I’ve proofed your comment for ya.. There were only five mistakes.

“Block your comments, Rob. Seriously. This has fuck all (not sure if all was a typo or not) to do with the weather or autism, and it’s offensive to frame it as such.

So stop being so fucking defensive and dramatic when anyone questions your posts and just block comments, so you don’t have to read anyone else.

Also, it’s common SPACE sense.”

kimmy gebhardt

“I don’t get why everyone cares so much.”

I care because this is a wish trip. If you were paying for this trip, I would not care about you rescheduling. I care because a spot is reserved for your family and you are asking to be rescheduled at the last minute. Because of that, there is a pretty good chance that some other child doesn’t get a wish or has to wait longer for their Disney wish to be fulfilled and that is unacceptable to me. Make a Wish and organizations like them are wonderful and do so much for families. One of my best friends stayed in the GKTW village with her family. Her sister has a congenital heart defect and MS and has died twice; once at the age of 5 and was brought back by their father, the other time she was brought back by their brother. So, because of that, wish kids are important to me and the thought that a child might miss out because you want to reschedule is reprehensible to me.

Rob Gorski


I’m sorry you find the idea of possibly rescheduling because of unforseen circumstances. I’ve already said this is a discussion between my family and the people involved.

Kids like this might be important to you and I appreciate that, but when it’s your kid it’s different.

I’m shutting comments down before this gets any worse.

Kim Gebhardt

Okay, I don’t understand why it’s the only thing that makes sense. Disney has already reopened. The only part of your trip which might be in jeopardy is Daytona, and you could either go on the way back or go to one of another 8000 places in the area to see the ocean. Creating a paperwork and scheduling nightmare for the people handing your family a free vacation is simply not necessary. You really are creating a mountain out of a molehill with this.

Unable Pown

TBF, you’re only looking at the parts down to Orlando. South of that you wont be going to and, depending on the timing, you could be helping the people of Orlando get back to normal. That said, I have no idea how much damage the Orlando area took.


Minimal damage for Orlando. It’s rob and the foundations choice..and the foundation having to redo all of the reservations, but there is zero reason to not go to Orlando or the surrounding areas…even as early as this weekend.